Chapter 36

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I reentered the hideout, Kenji and Yosano having gone out to finish dealing with Chuuya since I kind of... got distracted. Neither of them were upset with me, they were teasing me about it in all honesty but we all knew we had to take at least a slightly professional approach to this. Therefore, they took over while I came back inside. My eyes flickered around the room, first to Ranpo who was watching me and snickering, then to Shion who was asleep once again, and finally to Ari who was sharpening a knife I had given her as a baby... which probably wasn't the best idea but hey, I'm not a good role model.
"Chuuya made a big fucky wucky and needs to be put in the forever box."
Her voice was quiet and I sighed heavily after noticing Nothing practically draped over her shoulders.
Nothing was draining the life from her and the dull look in the girl's eyes was enough for me to step in.
My feet took me closer to Ari and I squatted in front of the girl with a small sigh.
"Nothing, get off her."
The entity stared at me with a look of challenge on it's face and I quickly let my composure slip. My features became animalistic and I snarled in Nothing's face. It whimpered before quickly fading away and then just dissipating all together.
I opened my mouth to try and speak to Ari but Fukuzawa's angry voice captured my attention, "YOU'RE USING OUR CLERKS AS BAIT!?"
My gaze shot over to the monitors and to Chuuya's face specifically. There was the faintest glimpse of regret in his eyes but it was masked over by his cocky attitude. I glanced back down to Ari before standing and placing a hand on her shoulder, "I'll be back... don't let Nothing get to you, Ari."
The girl didn't respond but I truly would have been surprised if she had.
With one final look around the small room I left quickly, not wanting Fukuzawa to try and stop me.
I paced back and forth at the train station, waiting on Naomi and Haruno to arrive. My demeanor was calm for the most part but I was almost frantic on the inside as the girls were late. Footsteps approached from behind me and with seconds I had spun around with my claws extended. This whole war had my nerves out of whack and I didn't know what to expect anymore.
Everything momentarily froze however when I spotted Dazai and Atsushi.
"Kotori? I wasn't expecting you to be here."
I shrugged and spoke quietly, "Was tired of waiting around so I messaged Dazai and asked where the girls were supposed to be picked up from. Figured with the mafia and guild on our asses it would be decent to have an extra set of eyes out here."
My eyes flickered to Dazai and we both shared a look. The both of us knew Mori's tactics so chances were that there was also going to be a mafia agent on the train with the girls when they got here.
I sighed heavily, moved towards one of the benches, and flopped over onto it. Sleep wasn't easy to come by lately and honestly if I had the few moments to just rest my eyes, that's what I was going to do. As I slowly started to drift off I could hear Dazai talking to someone but didn't bother opening my eyes to look. My thoughts slowly dimmed and before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep.
I wasn't sure how much time had gone by since my nap started but suddenly I was wide awake and swiveling my head around frantically.
"Kotori, are you ok?"
My head swung to the left where I found Atsushi sitting on the bench at the opposite side of the station doorway.
It took me a moment to regain myself before I nodded slowly, "I think so. Something just feels off... Where's Dazai?"
Atsushi shrugged, "He said something about having a stomach ache and how the fate of the agency was on me before taking off."
My eyes narrowed slightly, We were being watched then...
"Why? Is everything alright?"
I focused back in on my brother and forced a smile, "Yeah! I may have just been having a strange dream. That's probably all that's wrong."
He watched me for a couple more seconds before looking away and facing the train tracks again.
My gaze followed his as he muttered, "The train is about to arrive."
I looked off to the side as I heard the train's horn blaring through the air, the slightest sense of relief filling my chest. With the girls now with us, things would probably go much easier.
I watched the train as it slowed to a stop in the station, my eyes scanning through the windows as I looked for our friends. The train finally came to a full stop and I was quick to stand up and look around.
"Haruno! Naomi!"
I looked over where Atsushi's gaze was and felt a flood of relief fill my body. Haruno and Naomi stepped off the train, both girls had dirt and grime on their clothes and they both had small cuts and scratches on the exposed parts of their bodies. I frowned slightly at this and made my way towards them. As I stepped closer to where my brother and the girl's stood my feet suddenly froze in place as an extreme cold chill ran down my spine.
Naomi's face suddenly brightened, "Oh right. Let me introduce you."
Footsteps sounded from behind her and Naomi turned around, "We met on the train..."
My chest constricted and my eyes widened as I saw the person behind Naomi step forward.
Oh shit... Not you...

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