Chapter 39

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I'm sorry...
I had left before Atsushi had come back around, my mind was a storm of violent emotions that couldn't be tamed. The streets of Yokohama were brewing with an underlying storm as well, I could smell it in the air as I walked slowly down it's sidewalks.
My instincts weren't usually wrong and they were sounding the alarm as I allowed myself to wander aimlessly.
There was no where for me to be in any urgent hurry and I didn't want to be involved in the endless bickering with the Port Mafia and Guild. I was tired of it all. The beast inside me was hungry for something... something I wasn't willing- no, something I couldn't give it.
At least... not until the time was right.
That was why I would continue to wander until the storm which was drawing ever closer would-

There was a scream not so far off in the distance.

I froze.

I could feel my blood come alive with a buzz inside me. There was a prickling sensation just beneath my skin and all it took was one single little...
My muscles twitched and I was off like a bullet from a gun, weaving and ducking through the throngs of people who just glared or frowned as I bumped and rammed into them.
I pushed myself faster and faster and faster, and then I stopped suddenly. My head cocked to the side as I slowly gazed up at the beast before me, a single word, no. A name. Lovecraft.
A beast of nightmares, for lack of a better term, towered over someone who screamed relentlessly at this thing's ghastly appearance.
I would have helped. I would have stopped the madness before it started but when the beastly figure shifted just... ever so slightly, I made myself as scarce as a church mouse.
Oh Q... a fate worse than death has befallen you. Such a shame I couldn't be your grim reaper.
I took malicious satisfaction in the screams Q released. The absolute horror on the child's face as this monstrosity took him away.
All while I stood and watched.
A grunt and then a quiet growl before the crunching of bones echoed throughout the dark alley. The stench that filled the air was twinged with a metallic scent that even the most untrained nose could identify.
Lots of blood.
Hands, arms, legs, torso, face, and hair. All of it... drenched in blood.
Years... that's how long it'd been since I had last been covered in so much blood. A feeling that was unsettling but also held a familiar warmth like that of an old friend. It wasn't good. I knew that much. But how could someone deny something that just felt so... good?
Blood lust was a powerful thing but all things considered it really wasn't as bad as it had once been. Now the reasoning of stopping some kind of bad guy or villain made a decent excuse on the off chance I was found out.
It wouldn't be a complete lie. I only killed those who had done wrong.
It felt like a fire that grew exponentially as time went on. A fire that couldn't be satiated except with blood.
  The faces always blurred together, it wasn't like they mattered. At least... until this one came into focus.
Finally looking closer, the blurring, bloody features came into focus. Beyond the torn and shredded flesh, the blood, the... the gruesomeness of it all... was Atshushi.
"No... I didn't mean..."
Trembling hands, eyes wide, panic was setting in. I had killed my own brother in cold blood. Whatever I had been feeling before now was long gone and in its place was a pool of dread and guilt. I was drowning in it as I stood over my brothers cold, lifeless body...

Life of a Stray FoxOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz