Chapter 15

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I was running down one of the many hallways in the Mafia building, panting loudly. I had been able to take down a lot of the members but they sent an entire armed group in and my panic got the best of me. I had changed back into my human form while running, which is when my phone went off.
Dazai has gotten Ari out completely undetected.
That put me at some ease, now I just needed to escape.
Loud voices came from somewhere behind me, causing the fur on my tails to stand on end. I grunted and pushed myself even harder, aggravation beginning to grow inside my chest.
I'll kill Dazai for this.
I turned a corner and stopped for a second to try and breathe, but the second I stopped, my gravity shifted and I was suddenly floating.
"What the..."
I was pulled towards a door, and my eyes widened since it was closed. I clenched my eyes shut and covered my face, yet there was no impact. I opened them when I realized I wasn't thrown into the door, looking around curiously. My gaze settled on Chuuya, who was sitting in a chair facing a wall of windows. He turned, smiling at me, "Glad to see you're still alive."
He deactivated his ability, setting me down on the floor. As soon as my feet landed I sprinted towards him, a small smile on my face. Chuuya's eyes widened and he stood from the chair, facing me just as I reached him. I lunged, throwing myself onto him, "I'm alive!" My voice got quiet, "I seriously thought I was going to die... again."
The male choked slightly and wrapped his arms around me tightly, "Don't joke like that... I really don't think I could take it if I lost you again."
I looked up at him and frowned just the smallest bit, "I'm sorry. I promise I won't leave you ever again. Is that better?"
Chuuya's face suddenly turned a deep scarlet and he looked away from me.
"Uh... sure! Yeah. That's... that works."
I laughed slightly at his embarrassment, and pulled away.
"Dazai texted, he said he got Ari out of here.... so I guess... it's time for me to go too..."
Chuuya hugged me tighter, "I just got you back. Do you have to go?"
The sound of feet pounding down the hall broke up our moment and made my fur bristle. The door knob turned and without a second thought, I dove into the red head's shadow. This caused him to shiver and then glance down, "That's still so weird."
The door swung open and in stepped Ozaki Kōyō. She had a hand raised to her face, her kimono barely touching the floor. My brow furrowed just at the memories I had of the woman.
She looked at Chuuya with an almost predatory gaze, "Would you happen to know where the intruder went? Her ability is rather... familiar. Don't you think?"
Chuuya tensed just the slightest bit. I could feel it, but it wasn't visibly noticeable. He stared at her with a hard look, "I wouldn't know. I haven't run into the sorry excuse of an ability user. If I do... I'll end them. Especially since you reminded of... her."
The male's voice broke just the slightest at the end. My heart throbbed just the slightest at his tone. Kyōkō closed her eyes and scoffed at him, "It's been how many years? Yet you still act this pathetic. How sad."
I clenched my fists tightly and fought the urge to lunge out and tear the woman's face off. She turned around and walked out the door, Chuuya activating is ability and slamming it behind her. Then he walked over and locked it, an angry huff leaving his mouth. I allowed the anger to finally take over, my body emerging from the male's shadow. My facial features had contorted and changed into a partially animalistic one, snarls and growls emanating from my throat.
Chuuya spun around and looked at me, his eyes wide and worried.
"Kotori? Hey... are you... alright?"
My fur was standing on end and my fists were clenched so tight that blood began to seep from my palms. My pupils had dilated and my breathing was heavy. He quickly moved towards me, cupping my face in his hands.
"Kotori. I need you to come back. Please, Kotori calm down. Everyone is fine now. She's gone."
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to my forehead, quietly humming a song that I used to sing when I was in the mafia with him. My fists unclenched, my breathing returned to normal, and my features slowly changed back to normal. My bottom lip quivered slightly and then tears started to run down my cheeks.
Chuuya watched me silently, continuing to hum the song. When he reached the end of the song, he pulled his lips from my forehead and pressed them onto my lips and began running his hand through my hair. Eventually my breathing slowed down and the tears stopped falling. My shaky hands gripped onto his coat, a small smile slowly forming on my face as I kissed him back. We both pulled away for air and I leaned my head on his chest, the smile remaining on my face. Chuuya sighed quietly, continuing to run his fingers through my hair. "I guess we need to get you back to the Detective Agency, right?"
I nuzzled my face further into his chest and a muffled 'I guess so' left my mouth. The red head let out a small laugh and laid his head on top of mine, "I've missed you."
My voice was quiet, "Yeah... and I've missed you. Now that I'm back for good, you'll be seeing a lot of me."
Chuuya smirked, "Good, because I'm not letting go of you, ever."
A scarlet blush covered my face and made me look away, "Don't be so weird, Chuuya..."
It was silent for a bit, then we both made eye contact and began laughing.
Things don't seem to be going so bad... maybe I don't have much to worry about anymore.

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