Chapter 17

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I stumbled across the deck and almost fell for the tenth time. The ship we were on shuddered and quaked violently after Kyouka pressed a button that activated multiple explosives.
"RUN!" Kyouka's voice was strained and held fear.
A voice from further away caught my attention, "ATSUSHI! IT'S GOING TO SINK! COME OVER HERE!"
Kunikida? When the hell did he get here?
Atsushi got up and ran towards the edge of the ship where Kunikida was with a speed boat.
Another part of the ship exploded, sending me collapsing to my knees. Akutagawa attacked Kyouka, the girl crying out as she hit the deck with a thud. My attention was focused on Akutagawa as I crawled to my feet. I refused to take any chances with him at this point. He had already put me out of commission once and I refused to let it happen again.
"Hey, Akutagawa!!"
His attention turned towards me, a murderous look taking over his face. "It would seem the monster has made an appearance. Nice of you to join us."
I growled at him, allowing my anger to consume me. I hope Shion got my message... otherwise... everyone is in a lot of trouble.
"It's about time we had a rematch, you stupid mutt."
Akutagawa lunged at me, attempting to strike me with Rashomon. I rolled to the side and charged him, "Curse of the Kitsune: Beast of the Shadows!"
I felt a shock run through my body before everything went completely numb. My pupils dilated and my mind blanked, any control I once had over my body was now gone.
Kotori's body shot towards Akutagawa, the male unable to dodge the female's razor sharp claws. They dug into his chest, ripping his clothing and flesh to shreds. The male jumped back as summoned his ability to shield his now bleeding body, the faintest hint of fear creeping onto his expression. What had happened to the girl he fought only days ago?
Not too far away, Shion was trying her hardest to reach the giant ship as quickly as possible. The message she received from Kotori made her heart freeze in her chest. She knew what Kotori was planning to do. She had seen her do it before but only once, even then it unnerved her. I hope I'm not too late...
Akutagawa spat a large amount of blood up, a hand sized hole in his upper chest. Kotori stood a few feet away, her body having been consumed by her ability. No matter what he had tried he couldn't get away from the girl. Atsushi had managed to take Kyouka and get away shortly after his sister's strange, yet terrifying transformation.
Kunikida sped away from the ship, fear coursing through his body. He had seen Kotori's sudden vicious change and urged Atsushi to jump almost desperately. He had also immediately called Dazai, who hadn't even bothered to pick up the phone. Damn you Dazai! Your ability would come in handy about now!
Kotori stopped suddenly, her body convulsing. Something was happening, but Akutagawa didn't dwell on that, instead choosing to attack while she was distracted. His Rashomon tore through the girl's midsection, yet no sort of reaction escaped her. He clenched his teeth and began to strike her again and again with his ability. Kotori's body jolted once more, this time, something happened. Her body began to change into a more animalistic one. Her head shot up and her insane gaze met his. She smiled a terrifying predatory grin, making Akutagawa shiver and step back.
She bolted forward, all of the wounds that the male had inflicted slowly beginning to heal before his eyes.
"S...Stop! What are you!?"
Kotori stopped and began laughing, a cold, malicious, bloodthirsty laugh. "Aww have I scared the poor wittle dog? I'm sowwy... why don't you let me make it better?"
Her body shot forwards again, not stopping until she reached Akutagawa. When she did, her clawed hand wrapped around his throat and her laughter grew. She threw him into one of the shipping containers, following close behind. She launched her foot out and it connected with the boy's jaw. His head snapped to the side and an unnatural crunch sounded. Kotori backed away and tilted her head, "Oh no... I didn't kill you did I? I wasn't done playing!"
She turned around, talking to herself distractedly.
Akutagawa's body collapsed and he coughed roughly. His ribs were definitely broken, but he was also pretty sure the monster in front of him had just broken his collar bone as well. He kept his eyes on the girl as he activated Rashomon and used it as armor to cover his body. He shakily stood to his feet and began trying to get away from the monstrous girl. Akutagawa's mind was running a thousand miles a minute as he limped away from Kotori, How did she become so unhinged in a matter of minutes? And why weren't her injuries affecting her?
Footsteps brought him out of his thoughts and he felt a cold chill run down is spine. His eyes quickly scanned around him, widening when he saw a blue haired figure climb over the side of the ship.
Shion looked around, her eyes wide with shock at all the damage around her.
"Please... help."
Her gaze turned towards the voice and her eyes met Akutagawa's bloody and practically mutilated form. She instantly froze and opened her mouth in shock, "W... what? What happened to you!?"
The male didn't answer, blood instead exploding from his mouth. His eyes were wide and unfocused, his body suddenly collapsing to the ground. His blood pooled around his body and his ability deactivated.
Shion looked past Akutagawa and gasped. Kotori stood behind him... if that was even Kotori anymore. Her appearance had completely been altered and she looked... for lack of a better term, like a demon. The blue haired girl took a shaky step forward, reaching her hand out towards her friend. Tears formed in the girl's eyes as she stared at Kotori, "K...Kotori... please come back."
Kotori only stood and stared with dull lifeless eyes, not saying a word.
"Kotori, please!"
Shion ran towards the girl's still body, wrapping her arms around her. "You have to come back! I refuse to let you go so easily! Now come back!! Think of what the others would say if I had to tell them that I lost you! Me, Dazai, Rin, Atsushi, Chuuya, and Ari! You have to come back!!"
Tears flooded from Shion's eyes, her grip on the girl tightening. Suddenly, Kotori's hands reached up and wrapped around Shion, the blue headed girl looking at her friend with wide eyes. "Kotori..."
She was staring at Shion, fear burned into her eyes. Even though she hadn't been in control of her own actions, she knew exactly what she had done. If Shion hadn't shown up when she had, Kotori very well could have killed Akutagawa and from there? Who knows how many people would have died.
The white haired girl's eyes sunk closed and she suddenly slumped onto Shion. The last thing she remembered before losing consciousness was apologizing to the girl holding her.

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