Chapter 12

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My head slumped forward and I suddenly jerked it back up. I had been sitting in this room with my back against the wall for over 17 hours. After the agency was attacked, I asked about Rin. When I heard she hadn't woken up yet... let's just say I hadn't slept or eaten anything since I first woke up in the medbay at the agency. The room I was in happened to be Rin's current resting place. She hadn't woken up since Akutagawa attacked, worry and guilt had been building inside my chest since I first heard she hadn't woken up. I shook my head, trying to keep my eyes open. Sleep was trying to overtake me, but I wouldn't let myself rest until Rin woke. To put it in simple terms, I hadn't slept all night and now it was early morning.
My head nodded off again, and I jerked up once more. This time, I stood up and growled at myself. Something felt wrong, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Atsushi had gone on a job with Ranpo right after the attack and they returned with Dazai. I felt fine then. Sometime in the past couple hours I had gotten a bad feeling that I just couldn't shake off. I walked over to the chair next to Rin's bed and sat. My eyelids dropped like heavy weights and this time I let them. Sleep and a sense of dread overtook me, causing my dreams to be nightmarish.
"Hey. Kotori, you need to get up. Somethings happened with Dazai."
I started with a harsh gasp, both me and the chair collapsing to the floor. I blinked up at the culprit who scared me in a slight daze. Shion stood inside the room, my blue haired friend's expression was filled with worry.
I rubbed my eyes and stood slowly, "What? What do you mean 'gone'?"
Shions face was flushed slightly as she spoke, "Like... the Mafia snatched him..."
The haze surrounding my thoughts lifted instantly and my eyes widened.
"Shit. That's bad."
She nodded and ran a hand through her hair, "What do we do?"
I stared at her, "We? No, no, no. This is not a we issue. This is a me issue. I have to go find Dazai."
She frowned but nodded, "Fine... but you will call me as soon as something happens."
I heaved a heavy sigh,
"Yes ma'am."
She nodded and then turned around to leave the room.
"I'll distract the others long enough for you to leave."
I sighed and gripped my left sleeve tightly, "Thank you. I'm sorry about all of this."
Shion waved a hand at me as she continued down the hall.
Within the span of 15 minutes I was out of the ADA and running through the shadows in my fox form. I remembered the exact location of where the Port Mafia's home building was and as I made my way there, a strange familiarity filled my head.
I came shooting out of the shadows into a side alley, my ears flicking around and trying to detect any sign of a threat. I couldn't find anything, so I ran forward out of the alley. The building looked the same as I remembered it. I darted around the side and then towards the back, hoping my secret way in was still there. I crept quietly when I reached the back of the building, a small prick of anxiety creeping into my head.
I shook off my worry and changed back, staying low as I crept towards my way in. I approached one of the dumpsters and pushed it as hard as I could away from the building.  Behind the dumpster was an air vent. The exact air vent I used to creep in and out of the building with. I extended my claws, prying them between the vent and the wall, giving a short tug. It came away easily causing a small grin to creep onto my face, Alright. Into the lions den we go.
I slid in the vent feet first, pulling the dumpster back as close as I could. The vent cover was now hidden underneath the dumpster and hopefully, no one would come looking for any suspicious activity behind a freaking dumpster. I shut my eyes and began picturing my 14 year old self. When I opened them again, I had enough room to actually crawl through the vent. A successful smile formed and I turned so I was going in the building head first.
All kinds of sounds filled my ears as I crawled through the vents, people talking, the sound of guns being fired, and the most distinct sound that stood out... Dazai's soft humming. I sped up just slightly as I continued down through the maze of vents. My ears twitched around as I listened to everything going on inside the building, nothing but the humming from below me really mattering.
I sniffed once, twice, and then a third time until I had Dazai's distinct scent. I found the correct direction, moving quietly and quickly. The sooner I got Dazai and myself out, the better.
The vents slopes down in a direct 90° angle, my eyes widening. How the hell am I gonna...
I shook my head, "Whatever. I can do this."
I turned around, sliding my feet over the edge and down the hole. A quiet breath left my mouth as I slowly lowered myself further. I pushed off the wall I was still latched on to, my back slamming into wall behind me. As I began to slide, I pushed my feet against the opposite wall. Slowly, I began inching my way down the vent, but aggravation at it taking so long made me go ahead and drop the rest of the way. I transformed mid fall into a Fox pup, my feet barely making any sound. I ran quickly, still in the pup form. I needed to get to Dazai. I couldn't risk him getting hurt or worse...
I stopped suddenly, the vent having ended.
Looking down, my eyes widened. My exit was here. Beneath me, Dazai was chained to a wall and humming that ridiculous 'Double Suicide' song. I stepped back off the vent opening, changing back into my human form. Strands of red, black, and white hair tickled my face as I ripped the vent cover off and dove down below to where my friend was. I landed with a quiet thud directly in front of him, causing the male to look up with wide eyes. "How did you get here?"
I breathed out a short laugh, "Shion said you were missing. I kind of panicked and just took off without thinking..."
Dazai rolled his eyes, "Well it's good to see you."
I nodded, "Yeah same here." A noise caught my attention and made my ears stand up straight, "Someone's coming..."
I dove into Dazai's shadow quickly, causing the male to shiver the slightest bit. He muttered, "A little warning next time would be brilliant."
I rolled my eyes and refused to respond, instead staying silent.
"You're as wily as ever, Dazai!"
That voice made me freeze, deep heavy emotions running through my chest. My eyes shot upward and landed on the one person I had constantly thought about since I died....


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