Chapter 28

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Here is the next chapter, hope you enjoy it as I couldn't sleep without thinking about this story so you better read it till the end, no matter if you love it or not but atleast finish reading it.

Like it's 3:00 in the morning here, so yeah.


(Liandra's attire) (I was contemplating between blue or red, but in the end I chose this one.)

"Announcing the arrival of Her Majesty, the Great Queen of Lukedonia, and His Highness the Noblesse, the Mighty Protector of the Nobles

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"Announcing the arrival of Her Majesty, the Great Queen of Lukedonia, and His Highness the Noblesse, the Mighty Protector of the Nobles."

Hearing this, every single person present within the throne room gulped as they awaited for the giant doors to be opened.

Soon after that, the doors revealed two dashing people with unmatchable looks drawing closer and closer towards them.

Then after the nobles got back to their senses, they all got down on their knees and greeted the siblings.

Even the Lord got down from his throne and bowed with deep respect.

"Greetings to Your Majesty our Absolute Queen of the Nobles, greetings to His Highness the All-powerful Prince of Lukedonia. May the sun and moon continue to shine brightly before us. (They are referring to Liandra and Raizel when they say the 'sun' and 'moon'.)"

Liandra only nodded as she kept her eyes upfront while Raizel nodded and gave them a swift glance before looking towards the Lord.

Liandra opened her mouth and said, "Virance, it is nice to see you are well."

Unknowingly she also smiled which caught the nobles off guard.

(@_@;) "Oh, yes, thank you for your concern Your Majesty." Virance (the Lord) answered.

Liandra glanced at some of the nobles who were not family leaders, as she wondered why they were all gathered here instead of being at the venue.

Noticing her behavior Virance took this chance to explain what was going to happen in the competition.

"Your Majesty, they are some of the relatives of the current family heads, they are well trained both mentally and physically." He started as Liandra raised her left eyebrow.

"Some of them are children of the family leaders while most are their nephews and nieces." He added.

Hearing that he was not going to continue Liandra turned to look at him before asking. "And?"

*Gulp* "A-and umm, I was wondering if you would like to participate in the competition and lead a team of your own?" He said it more like a question than a request.



"W-well uhh, you don't have to Your Majesty, I-I was just curious that's all." Vincent immediately answered as he lowered his head to hide his face from the sight of Liandra.

"*sigh* it's fine. But," She turned her head a bit before continuing. "don't blame me for examining them my way."

Vincent rapidly nodded his head with a smile as he looked towards the family leaders with a look saying 'I did it!!'

"Oh, by the way." But soon that proud expression dropped as sweat began to appear all over his face.

"Is there any clue onto where that idiotic cousin of mine is?" This is where Vincent could finnaly breath a sigh of relief before answering.

"Unfortunately there is no news about where the Grand Princess of Lukedonia is." He truthfully answered.

Liandra turned back her head as she sighed and shook her head in a disappointed way.

"Remember to try and keep track of her." Before hearing the response from the other party, Liandra took small steps towards the youngsters while the sound of her footsteps resonated throughout the throne room.

The young nobles were shaking from both fear and shyness but all their noble training came in handy as they could afford to stay kneeling and not drop down on the ground like dead bodies.

"Ohh?? Interesting, I wonder what would happen if I do this." Soon after speaking, Liandra increased the air's pressure by a level.


Dropping down one by one the noble youngsters dropped on the ground as their bodies couldn't help the pressure anymore.

After awhile only five nobles remained barely kneeling as blood trickled down their lips.

"Your Maje-" Vincent who wanted to plead on behalf of all the other nobles there immediately closed his mouth when he felt Raizel's hand on his shoulders.

"Sister, that is enough. I don't think they would be able to take it any longer." Raizel exlaimed.

Liandra glanced at him before looking back at the nobles around her which included the family leaders who were very worried about their kin.

"Don't worry, these ones already passed." Finnaly, Liandra dissipated the unbearable pressure inside the room and walked towards her brother.

"Raizel, you wouldn't mind would you?" The cheeky queen looked at her brother and gave him a smirk before walking pass him.


Raizel sighed before raising his hand and started to use his powers to heal the children. (Referring to the young nobles.)

"Okay, those five who have survived will be the members of the team under me." Liandra announced.

The Noblesse's  Long Forgotten Sister (a fanfiction of Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now