Chapter 26

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Returning back to the mansion the time was not early because the sun had already disappeared from the sky and only the remnants of the orange-ish color remained in the sky.

The three had their dresses inside the bags as they walked emotionlessly towards the mansion, somehow they were in a bad mood so they walked with the aura of a ruler around them.

The rest had all stayed in the living room nearest to the door, all of them excluding Tao, Takeo, and M-21 had already sensed Liandra and the two people with her even before they entered within the mansion's territory.

Frankenstein stood up and went to greet the three back but he was faced with their domineering auras, one could have not been able to resist only Raskrea's aura but Frankenstein would have been able to as he was an exception. But adding the heavy aura of Aemy who could even be considered one of the ancestors of the noble race, he even as a madman could not possibly be able to resist at all.

And not to forget Aemy also has part of the bloodline of a Queen as she was the daughter of the previous Queen's sister. (The previous Queen is Liandra's mother.)

And to add something even worse, Liandra who not only is the most powerful person recorded in all of history, but also the queen from thousands of years ago who had caused paling fear to everyone including the Werewolves and humans.

With such an aura who could stand it? Is it even possible? Well the answer is no, so Frankenstein had to bow discreetly on the floor as cold sweat formed on his face.

Raizel and the others had also come to see what was going on and were surprised to see Frankenstein on the floor.

But the terrifying mix of auras could not slip their attention as one by one they knelt down leaving only Raizel, Lorena, and Lorenzo barely standing.

Raizel had sighed since he noticed that most of his companions could not resist so he had whispered something to Lorenzo and Lorena which is.....

"Go and take everyone including the Werewolves down stairs as far away from here as possible." The two nodded as they hurriedly did as told, although reluctant they decided to put their trust on their uncle.

Due to them being very powerful, and for having the genes of their mother they had no problem taking away a few people with them, as they hastily went to the basement to warn the Werewolves.


Once Raizel was sure that everyone was in safer grounds he turned back to look straight at Liandra's eyes, he didn't mind his wife nor his cousin as he set all his attention towards his sister.

You maybe wondering why, am I right?

It's because Raizel had already looked into Aemy and Raskrea's eyes that they were not themselves.

It was as if someone was controlling them.

And that person was Liandra herself, at first Raizel was speechless unto why his sister used mind control on two of her closest friends, but when he took greater attention towards Liandra it all became understandable.

It was the work of Liandra's power.....

Remember when I said that unlike Raizel, Liandra had not the need to worry about using up her life span in order to exchange it for power?

Well that was true, but it didn't mean that she had not exchange it for something else.

Unlike the bloodline of the Lord who need not have any worry in using their powers, as they needed it to rule properly over the noble community.

The Noblesse's  Long Forgotten Sister (a fanfiction of Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now