The Past

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Liandra's Pov

"You know after you returned my memories it became even harder to let you go." I said while looking up in the sky, I was out on the balcony of my room.

We arrived in Lukedonia yesterday and so far I knew the others understood not to bother me. My 'children' were probably about to come any moment now.

As I was thinking there was knocking on the door, "Come in" I said and then the door opened revealing my daughter and son.

"Sit on the bed both of you." They did as I told them, according to the memories that I just recovered they were born just before the year I went into slumber.

So they have grown so much, I regretted not being there for them. "Would you like to know how me and your father met." I looked at them with sadness, they both nodded.

I went to get a chair and put it infront of them so that I would be sitting just before them. "Listen my children for I will not repeat this again."

Long ago when I was not yet the 'ultimate being' I was all alone in my castle, I was like your uncle then all alone not wanting to go outside if not needed to.

My mother always trained me so that I will take her place once she enters eternal sleep. I did not want that at first because I didn't understand anything for I was still young.

I was all alone unlike your uncle the only people I ever met was my mother and father, they never let me meet others because I could not control my powers and might hurt the people around me.

Even if I was allowed to go out I would not for I thought that it will only be a waste of time.

It was like that until your father came, for the first time my parents allowed me to attend one of the gatherings. The other Nobles dared not to approach me for they were afraid of the consequences of meeting me without my consent.

So I was just sitting on my throne looking over the Nobles speaking and smiling at each other, that is when one brave young boy came to greet me.

"Your Highness I Corenio Lucas greet you." As if time had stopped everyone in the room stood still and just looked at us.

My parents were not there since they had important things to do, well even if they had not act like it but they do care for me very much.

Just then one of the Noble guards came to me and knelt. "Your Highness please forgive my son for he was not educated enough." He forced the boy to bow aswell and for some reason that angered me.

The boy was obviously hurting from his father's hand which made me furious. I stood up immediately which made all the people present flinch, "Get. Your. Hands. Off. Of. Him." I said with an angry tone.

He let go of his son and I put my arm forward signaling him to let me help him get up. He hesitantly held my hand and I pulled him up.

For some reason I was attracted to him, perhaps this was fate I thought. I looked at the crowd and saw that they were shocked, I signalled them to all continue what they were doing.

I looked at the guard next to me, he was sweating and was kneeling there. "Next time if you hurt someone like that without proper reason I'll treat it as treason, understood." He nodded "You are dismissed."

I turned around to see the boy staring at me, then he immediately realised that I saw him. "Forgive me Your Highness I did not mean to stare at you." He knelt, oh c'mon what is it with all this kneeling stuff.

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