Chapter 15

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Liandra's Pov

When most of the guests were gone and only me my children and Raizel were left I asked them to come before me.

They were all infront of me, "What is it mother?" Lorena asked me. "Hmm I was thinking about letting you go to where humans live." I told them smiling.

"Wait really does that mean we can see other people?" Lorenzo asked getting excited already, I nodded my head.

They jumped with joy and I laughed at them, then I looked at Raizel. And mind linked him, 'Take care of them while I'm away for a bit okay.' He probably thought I was coming since he widened his eyes.

'Don't worry I'll come back I'll just go and do something important.' I gave him a reassuring smile, he seemed to ease up a bit.

"Ok children you will be going with your uncle since I'll be going somewhere important. But don't worry I'll come and see you when I'm done." Both of their smiles disappeared but they were not sad or mad at me.

"When will we be leaving?" Lorenzo asked me, "Tommorow early in the morning." I told him and then he nodded.

"Well then you can do whatever you want now and you can go tommorow, goodbye for now." I stood up and went towards the door leading outside my palace.

"Wait you leaving now!?" Lorena asked me. "Oh... Sorry I forgot to tell you and yes I'm leaving now, have a safe trip." I said before disappearing into mid air.

I am now flying and looking down at my castle, I smiled and continued to fly higher into the sky so that I can view the entire Lukedonia and the surrounding Islands that were about 500 miles away.

And yes I have something that you can call a super sight. I looked at them and spotted the place where Lucas died, and where my friend's tombs are.

So even if the tombs of my friends were in different parts of Lukedonia it was not time consuming to go to each of them since you know I'm a 'Noble'.

But first I went to where my beloved had died. It was about a few moments before I got there, the place where he died was not that big but it was big enough for me to build a gigantic tomb for him.

For a normal Noble to create a tomb the size of what I wanted would be about a year but for me I had my powers to help. And so it would only take about a few weeks at most.

Now I'm starting to create a place worthy for my beloved to die in, And that's why I'll be gone.

Raizel's Pov

It's the next day and now we're about to go back to Frankenstein's House in the Human 'city'.

I'm still wondering what my sister is doing but I hope she'll return soon. And now we're only waiting for Takeo, Tao and M-21 to come.

"Raizel where is Her Highness?" Raskrea asked me, I looked at her. "She is doing something important." I answered her.

She seems worried, "She'll return." I comforted her a bit before she nodded. She came to care for my sister, well she cared for her before but now she thinks of her as a sister and not as the Almighty Queen.

It was nice that Raskrea has come to accept sister as her relative.

We were waiting for a few moments before the three finnaly arrived. "Sorry boss but Takeo had to find his gun because he unfortunately lost it, and could you believe it out of all the places in his room he never bothered to look under his bed." Tao angrily answered.

"Uhh.. yeah ('0 - 0 ) hahahaha." Takeo said trying not to sweat too much. "Takeo! If you make my master wait like that again I'll be glad to set you up with my 'beloved' to a date do you understand." Frankenstein said while he not knowingly let too much of his dark aura out.

"Y-y-yes Boss! I promise that it will not happen ever again." Takeo stated while giving him a salute.

I just sighed at what just happened, Frankenstein will never change I guess. "Frankenstein." I said.

"Yes Master." He gave me a bow. "We should go now." He nodded and we started our way heading to Frankenstein's House.

Lorenzo's Pov

Uncle Raizel told Frankenstein that we should go. And so we started our departure, some of the family leaders were left including Ludis which made Lorena sad.

But she was happy that she can see him again when we come home. And so we were now heading to where humans lived, me and Lorena just followed them since we didn't know where we were heading.

After a few minutes I can see some 'buildings' and yeah me and Lorena are not clueless about 'modern' things, since father has taught us you know everything we needed to know in order to be able to live in this 'modern' times.

We arrived at Frankenstein's House, it was not that big but for humans it was a mansion.

We got inside and well it was different from what we were used to, since it wasn't from the old age.

"Where do we sleep?" Lorena asked Frankenstein. "Regis please show Their Highnesses their bedrooms." Regis nodded and gesture us to follow him.

He took us to our bedrooms and stopped infront of two doors which had our names on them. "Your Highnesses this is where you will be staying." We nodded and then he left.

We were quiet for awhile until.
"Hey Lorenzo, when do you think mom will come?" Lorena suddenly asked me.

"Probably after a few months." I answered her and then she nodded. She went inside her room while I went inside mine.

I got inside and well it was nothing compared to my room at the palace but it was quite different.

I flopped onto the bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

Rael's Pov

Sir Frankenstein had made Regis lead the way to The Highnesses's rooms. I was kind of glad that I wasn't the one since I would've not be myself because I would be under too much pressure not to mess up.

And when they were gone I let out a sigh of relief. It was so tense awhile ago and now I can finnaly relax.

"Hmm Rael..." I spoke too soon as I heard sir Frankenstein speak. "Yes sir?" I asked him knowing that whatever he was gonna say has got something to do with Their Highnesses.

"After Seira is done preparing the food go and get the two Royals to come and eat." Yup I was right, well in some cases you would think it's easy, well you're a hundred percent wrong.

It's because they're probably sleeping right now and if someone wakes them up and if that person isn't Her Highness or Lord Raizel there is a very big chance that you'll have your own blood on the floor.

I can't do anything and just hope I'm lucky enough.

To be continued...

The Noblesse's  Long Forgotten Sister (a fanfiction of Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now