Properly Meeting Raizel's Annoying Friends

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After the classes were over four humans came to me, I looked at them and realized they were Raizel's human friends.

They asked me all kind of questions, which I was getting very annoyed and thank God Raskrea saw me and realized she had to somehow stop them without being rude.

So she stood up and told the humans "Stop... It's time to go and eat." Raskrea blushed immediately since for her, being the one to say it's time to eat is quite embarrassing.

"Ohh yeah it is, c'mon guys let's go to the cafeteria." The red headed boy said.

So they all went to the direction of I think what they called the cafeteria, we followed them from behind.

We entered this so called cafeteria and suddenly everybody inside stopped what they were doing and turned all their attention towards us.

*Sigh* it's kind of normal now.

We went to seat and ofcourse all of us had eaten Ramen, and obviously me, Raskrea and Raizel waited for the noodles to increase in portion.

The four humans laughed at us and asked me "Hey big sis did Rai teach you that." I wanted to put him in his place for calling me big sis and for calling Raizel, Rai but sadly I had to get used to it.

But of course Gechutel once again got mad but this time Regis and Seira also talked.

"How Dare You!!" Says Gechutel, none of us shut him up. "Please refrain from calling her unwanted names." Says Regis and Seira told them, " Yes please refrain cause this is considered rude to her."

When they had finished saying that I was also about to speak but when I opened my mouth someone already started to talk.

And I was a bit surprised when the one who spoke was Raskrea, well I guess it's normal since the past Lords have also respected me.

She then said "You may give Raizel another name but don't call her anything that she hates since it's unforgivable if you make her mad. And please refrain from talking to her so often, it's okay for me but it's truly not okay for her. I hope you do understand me." When she said that I just kept quiet since she said the things I wanted to say so I just nodded in agreement.

Well the table became quiet after that so I decided to be the one to talk first.

" It's okay to talk to me just please refrain from calling me big sis you may call me by my name."

"Really then please let us call you Lia instead of Liandra since we also call your brother Rai instead of Raizel." The brown haired girl said.

Gechutel glared at her which made the young girl sweat a bit.

Even so I still nodded and they celebrated, They introduced themselves but I prefer not to call them by their names cause it will be very troublesome to remember.

It was alright for them since they called me by the 'nickname' they made for me.

So after school we did what they normally do after school. I already knew what they always do but it was great to experience it myself.

When we went to the 'grocery store' I told Raizel "Raizel let's go to the part where there are Ramen", he nodded and I pulled Raskrea with us.

Ugh but once again all the people were looking at us blushing and all. I wanted to stop them but it's better to get the Ramen and leave here immediately.

I also realized that Raizel does have feelings for Raskrea that is why when we go back to Frankenstein's house I would announce that they will be getting married next week. It might be rude to just announce to them that they're going to get married without their knowledge but they cannot disobey me and for a fact I know that they'll like it, I do not force anyone to do anything that they don't like it's just I am very sure that they will like it.

I was happy for my brother that he has found someone to love so that he won't be lonely anymore.

But for me I did not need a person to accompany since I had my brother and the Nobles and also his human friends.

Yes I accepted them although they are annoying they helped Raizel from ever becoming lonely again.

I cried in the inside because I regretted not being with Raizel for all those years.

I know it's short.... :)

To be continued...

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