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It's been a few days after we came back from Lukedonia and honestly it's kind of getting boring here. So I suggested that we go visit other 'countries'.

And so they agreed and the kids were going to come aswell since we can't just be gone for months when school was continuing since that would raise suspicion.

And that's why Frankenstein told the teachers of the school and all the students that there will be no school for a few months, since there is an assassin so for everyone's safety they would have to stay at school.

Well that's a dumb excuse but they actually believed it, *sigh* even though they believed his stupid excuse the teachers were a bit sad since they will not go to work and won't earn money.

And so because Raizel didn't want them to be sad he told Frankenstein give them money that can last them a year. Well Imy very proud of my little brother he has grown so much.

We were on our private flying object, it was called... airplane? Eh who cares what it's called. We could just travel on our own but we had to use this thing since we were bringing the kids.

I was currently sitting beside Rael and he seems very stiff, I don't know why he must be sick. And so because I was worried I asked him, "Rael Kertia" "Yes My Queen!" He immediately answered, he was a bit shocked. Wait did he call me Queen, hmm I just realized ever since I was awake they have not called me by my given  nickname until now.

"Are you ok? You seem to be uncomfortable, are you sick if so you can tell me." He seems a bit puzzled by my statement, but answered me after a few seconds.

"N-n-o ofcourse not my Queen i-i-t's just that I..." He suddenly quiet and he was shaking a bit, oh I know why he's scared of me. That thought hurt me a bit, I knew they were afraid of me but I didn't think it would be this serious.

And so I patted his head, he looked at me and I smiled at him. "Don't be scared of kid everyone who's loyal to the Nobles Rules I truly think of them as family, it's the same for all of you." I hugged him "And by the way you have to become a great family leader so that in the afterlife you can mock the previous family leader of the Kertia Family all you want." I rubbed his head and he was sad probably because I mentioned something that made him remember some sad memories. Oh yeah his brother was killed by the traitors.

I hugged him more tightly and rubbed his back. "Don't worry you can always come to me, my brother and the young Lord if you need something, I know that you have lost your brother recently and I and my brother know how that hurts more that anyone. Please also help Seira cause you know she's the last person left from the entire Loyard's family." He calmed down a bit.

"Thank you your Highness." He fell asleep and I smiled he was like another little brother. "Don't worry I always protect my family, then I also fell asleep.

After a few hours, wow this flying object is really slow. We only came from Korea then going to America and it takes that many hours, seriously if we were traveling by ourselves we would have reached there in less than hour.

When it finnaly landed it this open space that was surrounded by a big 'building' I stood almost exactly the same time the 'plane' touched the ground. And yes I'm getting better in using modern words.

"Everyone hurry up we need to go now!" I yelled and the Nobles there stood up immediately including Raskrea and excluding Raizel who calmly stood up after a few moments.

Oh and I forgot to tell you Muzaka had also come with us.
The people who came excluding me:
Rael Kertia
Seira Loyard
Regis Landerge
Gechutel Landerge
Cadis Etrama Di Raskrea (Erga Kenesis Di Raskrea, her old name.)
Cadis Etrama Di Raizel

The Noblesse's  Long Forgotten Sister (a fanfiction of Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now