Back to school

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So it was already a day after the wedding and the two of them were still deciding on which house/mansion/castle they should claim as their rightful home.

They were picking between Raizel's Mansion which was as big as the Lord's castle. So they, until now could not pick one of them. So I suggested they live at the Lord's castle while Raizel's Mansion would be for their future children.

They blushed a bit for the thought about having children but agreed to my suggestion.

Well even if they were now married we still had to go back to the human place, since we couldn't just disappear like that.

And besides Raizel would miss them. So the next day we went back and entered the school in the afternoon.

When we made our dramatic entrance into the class everybody started at us. We glanced at each of them and they blushed.

When class was still ongoing those friends of Raizel couldn't stop bothering us especially me. I kept my anger inside for aslong as I could, they were literally asking useless questions.

When they asked me one specific question my anger immediately dissipated and was overcome by sadness.

They asked me this, "Hey did you go and see your lover." That specific question got me real good, I remembered 'him'. I hesitated to cry while those human idiots didn't even know the meaning of what they did.

They laughed but when they saw my reaction they immediately stopped and went to comfort me, the Nobles who were also there came to help me get over my sadness.

"Hey Lia we didn't know that question would make you sad, please forgive us, we really didn't mean to." Raizel hugged me while Raskrea held my hand.

Regis and Raskrea just stood beside us watching the other students to not make any sudden moves. Actually it was very funny how the Nobles have become this serious over only a few thousand years.

I laughed a bit and that made the others become more calm. "Sorry for worrying you guys, it's nothing really I just remembered some memories that I used to have."I gazed out the window, and smiled.

They still looked worried but only went back to their seats since they knew they couldn't do anything.

When class was over I told them
"We should go get food." They nodded and so we went to the cafeteria.

Guess what we ate.

Ofcourse it's Ramyeon, it was considered as not a very high class food to the Nobles, but now it's the highest of high food in the Noble society.

It's because this food is the favorite of the three people who hold the highest position.

So in Lukedonia this food was eaten only by those who hold high positions like the family leaders.

After we were done I told them "Hey let's go do those things you do after classes." The three humans looked at me and smiled.

"But we can't skip classes." Both of the female humans said.

"Don't worry Franken- I mean the chairman won't mind." They rejoysed and so we went to the 'arcade' first.

We did everything they normally do after school. And that was what we did for a few days.

Short chapter, don't worry the next one will be longer.

To be continued...

The Noblesse's  Long Forgotten Sister (a fanfiction of Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now