Chapter 24

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*I actually forgot about what happened in this story, so I had to reread it and realized that I also wrote that Lorena and Ludis would get married, so yeah.*


Raskrea's Pov

I didn't want to stay there so I rushed away from Frankenstein as far away as I could, I passed some people but I didn't get to see who they were because of how fast I was 'walking'.......... *ahem* running, and good thing this mansion is big and spacious or else I would have come crashing into walls already.

I looked back to make sure nobody recognized me, since it would be very embarrassing if anyone were to see my current state.

A heaved a sigh of relief when I scanned my surroundings to find that no one was there, but sadly I was completely off chart.



Liandra's Pov

I could hear the sound of commotion coming from outside the mansion, at first I didn't really mind it that is until it got unbearably louder.

So I lazily got off my bed and went towards the door, unfortunately when I opened it and I was just a few feet away from the door, here was Raskrea who came crashing into me.

*Crash* both of us fell with a loud thud onto the floor as Raskrea was on top of me, but after opening her eyes she was shocked to see me.

She immediately stood up and offered one her hands to me, which I gradually took as she helped me get up before bowing down in apology.

"Raskrea no need for apologies, but I want you to tell me why you're not being yourself today and running around like a headless chicken?" I asked with a smile plastered on my face, obviously I was trying to keep in my laughter as to not hurt Raskrea's pride as the Lord of the Nobles.

Nonetheless Raskrea noticed my gesture so her face became a bit red, "*cough* Your Maje-" What? (0 ‿ 0╬) this was the expression I had immediately turned into when she almost called me with that f*cking cheap title again.

"Call me sister-in-law or just sister." I wanted Raskrea to be atleast part of the people who can actually forget about honorifics when in my presence.

I could hear Raskrea mumble a few words which I could vaguely point out, I think she said something like "But....... Majesty..... Respected..... Ancient........ Today....... Sister." And nope I couldn't understand what she was trying to say but I am sure that she gets the idea that I want her to call me sister in order for her to be more familiar with me, so that we can act as an actual family and not some master and servant relationship.

Although she calls me by either my name or sister when others are around, but when it's only the two of us she would only call me 'Your Majesty' which is very upsetting.

"Sister, well if you look outside Frankenstein has been acting very weird, it is as if he has totally lost his mind." She started, I tilted my head in confusion, Frankenstein has always been a mad man so it would have not been that weird as to whatever he was doing since he is a bit........ different.

"Awhile ago he came to the doorstep while carrying this weird looking vehicle or something, it had that food I always liked to eat, that one where it could freeze your brain, it had one of those but a bigger version on top of it." Well now I know what she was talking about, but her description of an ice cream truck is rather, funny I don't know why.

"Raskrea would you like to have a chat with me inside my room?" I offered to her as I gestured behind me where the doors were still open.

Raskrea embarrassingly nodded as I grabbed her wrist and dragged her inside my room.

Once inside I closed the door and prepared the chairs for us to sit on, inside my room I had this giant window that has a nice view to it, "Raskrea do you think Lorena and Ludis are a great pair or not?" I slightly tilted my head as I asked the question.

Holding her chin with one of her hands Raskrea 'seriously' thought of it for awhile before looking at me. "Your M- *cough* sister please do allow me to speak freely." I nodded, since if she couldn't speak her mind to me then our relationship would not be as close as I want it to, because I want us to have the relationship that me and Raizel have as siblings.

"Well for me, uhhhh Lady Lore-, no Lorena and Ludis are not a perfect match based on how they both look, but their appearances don't have the say on how they feel. So for me seeing that the two have the passing feelings for each other, I say that they're a good match." She wasn't bluffing at all as she had been very serious when she had said those words.

"Hmmm I believe so too, back then when I fell in love with my husband, people around us started criticizing him, they told him that he had not the standards that could match up to me, but I didn't care for whatever they say as long as he loved me willingly I would cherish him for life, and that is what I did." I smiled warmly at Raskrea, while she returned the gesture with a shockingly wide smile.

"I bet you and Raizel will have a long way ahead of you, so I expect to see the two of you living the rest of your lives together." I happily said, as I jokingly asked when they would have their kids making Raskrea turn bright red.

"Well, why don't we go and tie Aemy with us and go shopping for dresses to wear for Lorena and Ludis's weading." I did not wait for her answer as I started dragging Raskrea with me to go and separate Aemy with her oh so beloved ice cream.


Umm sorry for not uploading in awhile but you have to understand that school is hard as f*ck, but here is the next chapter, hope you like it!!!

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