Chapter 13

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"Hey let's go introduce you to the other Nobles." I told my kids, "Sure Mother." We got up and I mind linked Raizel to tell all the Nobles to gather at my palace.

We walked slowly to the throne room so that when we arrive we will be sure that all the Nobles are there.

I didn't really expect them to come that early cause they're slow, when we arrived they were all there, well I guess they're fast. When they saw us coming I could see that most of them are confused on who the other two are.

I sat on my throne and my children stood on both of my sides, "As most of you are wondering who this two people are they are my children and I expect all of you to treat them with the same respect as me."

I heard a few gasps but then it became quiet again. "And so we will be celebrating their return... Oh and don't ask where their father is he already entered eternal sleep." I told them with a very cold tone but you could sense that there was a bit of sadness in it.

"Ofcourse Your Highness." They all said simultaneously and bowed their heads.

Then I got two thrones beside mine which was for the two of them and they gladly sat on it.

"Both of you what do you think so far." I asked them. "It's great Mother to see all this other Nobles being friendly with each other." Lorena said.

"How about you Lorenzo what do you think?" I kept looking at the people infront of me.

"Just like Lorena said it's great for me it is a sight to remember, I wish father were here with us though." He said with a sad voice.

"Yeah..." Was all I could say. "Why don't you greet some of them so that you could get to know each other better." They both nodded but looked at me for some reason.

"Mother could we ask you just this one question?" Lorena asked me and I nodded. "Are we older than all the people here except for Uncle Raizel and you?"

*Pfffft* "Hahahaha I really did not expect you to ask that." The Nobles looked at me but then continued what they were doing.

"Well to answer your question yes your older than all of them including Gechutel over there." I pointed at the bearded man.

"Wow I guess we have got to not let looks deceive us." Lorenzo said. "Yes and even if you are older than them please show a little respect since they have more experience than you in court."

They both nodded, "Then me and Lorena will go and speak with some of them." They went down the stairs and went to speak with some of the family leaders.

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder, I looked at the person and saw that it was my brother.

"Yes Raizel what can I do for you?" He looked at me. "Are you okay?" Well he's really straight forward.

I gave him a smile and said "I'm fine, and besides I have the two of them and all of you." He looked at me and did not completely believe me so he just stood there beside me.

"You know being alone in the first parts of your life runs in the family right?" We looked at each other and exchanged smiles.

"Raizel if I decide to enter eternal sleep aswell could you please take care of my children for me." He looked at me shock.

"Oh don't worry I'm not going to enter eternal sleep yet but in the future." He sighed then nodded. "It's kind of funny at first you know, how we Nobles enter eternal sleep even if it isn't necessary. We could live for eternity and yet we still decide to enter eternal sleep why is that?" I asked him.

"I guess the previous Lord already told you hasn't he the reason that he and the other Nobles went into eternal sleep." He nodded.

"I guess what he said was true cause we can't just live forever watching the young ones as they grow, we need to just back off and let them rule when it's their time." I looked up.

"I know that those two will become great examples to the other Nobles when I'm gone." Then once more we exchanged smiles with Raizel before he went back to his group.

To be continued...

The Noblesse's  Long Forgotten Sister (a fanfiction of Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now