Chapter 21

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Aemy's Pov

I let go of Liandra's hand to go and buy some ice cream, she did not follow me and just waited outside the gates.

I happily hoped towards the ice cream truck and I came to a halt when I saw that there are many types of ice cream, after some time I still couldn't pick anything and I heard the driver/ice cream man say "Las are you gonna pick or not?"

I did not answer him since I didn't know what to say until a brilliant idea came to my mind, I slowly looked at the guy with a big grin plastered on my face.

He looked at me and ackwardly smiled, "Hey... How much is all of this ice cream and including the truck and all?" I asked him and his eyes widened, I could tell he was shocked.

"Little girl what did you say?" I was kind of offended when he said little girls but I just shrugged it off since he was a human and didn't know who I saw.

"Here..." I took out some money and forcefully gave it to the old dude, he did not move at all and I was getting impatient.

Suddenly he went to I think grab his stuff and then got outside the truck, "Girl take care of this.... I'll be on my way then." He waved at me then proceeded to go away.

I did not mind him and just excitedly got inside the ice cream truck and got a ton of ice cream, and me being me I ignored Liandra's presense and just went to get my beautiful ice cream (人 •͈ᴗ•͈).

Liandra's Pov

I sat on the ground while hugging my knees and just stayed like that not doing anything... You might be wondering 'Why are you doing?'

Well after thinking about that past memory I have got to keep my composure, if I wasn't a very cold and domineering person in the past I would have already destroyed this house because of my laughter.

Yes that's right even my laugh is deadly and 'Don't ask how that's possible'

(눈‸눈) ಠ∀ಠ or I will come and woop your butt.... I'm not kidding ಠᴥಠ.

After I calmed down I stood up and went to find Frankenstein, I didn't even notice but I am actually inside Rael's room.... I don't know how I ended up here out of all places.

I didn't think too much about it and went to open the door, when I turned the knob I crashed into someone.

"Who! is-" a person whom I am sure is Rael was about to yell but stopped Midway so I assume he looked at me and recognized who I was.

I looked at him and he covered his mouth, he stood there shock was shown in his eyes but then he immediately regained his 'sanity' and bowed before me.

"I deeply apologize My Queen I was-" I didn't let him finish his unnecessary apology and said "Rael Kertia..." His body stiffened.

I stood up 'gracefully' I don't know if that was even possible but yeah... I gazed back down at the person before me.

"Uhh could you lead me to Frankenstein's whereabouts." He raised his head to look at me but he just stayed like that with wide eyes he didn't answer and just kept quiet, I was getting angry that he wasn't answering me so I got down to his level and looked at him eye to eye.

He was as still as a block of ice, I waved my hands before did face and he did not respond. "Hello.... Is anybody home?" I chanted over and over and yet he still did not answer me.

Rael's Pov

"Seira let me help you." I happily said while going to help Seira with the dishes, she smiled at me and nodded.

In the outside I just smiled and blushed a bit but in the inside it was catastrophe, I wish I could just let out all my excitement but I coul not afford to do that, especially since I am in the same place as their Highnesses.

But nevertheless I'm still so happy that I would not mind if I were to die this very second...... (^∇^)ノ♪

After Seira and I were finished I couldn't contain it anymore so I had to run back to my room.

I might be in a hurry but the happiness that I have right now is intriguing. I was just about to open the door when suddenly the door opened and I bumped into someone.

Who would dare come into my room, "Who! is-" just before I yelled another word I covered my mouth.

The person before me is.... The Queen!!! Nononono so much for my happiness. I then got down and bowed I started to apologize but she cut me off before I could finish.

She the said my name and my body self-consciously stiffened, I was getting ready for some punishment but what she said almost made me faint.

"Uhh could you lead me to Frankenstein's whereabouts." I looked at her with my eyes widened in shock. I thought I was going to die (⊙_◎) well I did say I wouldn't mind if I were to die just awhile ago but no! I still have so many things to do.

I did not move and my mind went to it's own fantasy, I completely froze and did not move but just kept thinking of the things that just happened.


Hey! Thanks for reading the story and hoped you like it
( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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