Chapter 18

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We are now in Japan but guess what? We're lost and on top of a random building, well that's not a problem for us but if you're wondering how we became lost here is why.

Thirty Minutes Ago...

Liandra's Pov

We have arrived in Japan and we're walking around to look at the country first before settling in the mansion/house we bought.

Lorena saw a shop selling this type of clothing that seems to have a logo. I asked Aemy what it meant and she said that it was a designer clothing which was apparently expensive.

We went to buy some even when not needed, our Noble outfits when sold would have cost ten times the money needed to buy the whole company of that branded kind of clothing.

It was called Gucci which is one of the most expensive brands of accessories and clothing in the world. And so we went in to buy some since we wanted to try on clothes without using our powers.

We were too caught up on buying things that we didn't even notice people staring at us. "Why are they starring?" I asked the others. "Isn't it already normal for people to stare at us?" Aemy answered me.

"Yes it is but they seem to be focusing on something else." I told her, then Lorenzo poked me and I looked at him. "What?.." I asked him and he pointed at what we were holding and he made me see the whole store.

Now I get it. "We took everything didn't we?" I told them and they all nodded, we sighed and proceeded to go and return some of the stuff when suddenly the workers came to tell us that it's okay.

"Wha-? But I think the other people beside us wants to buy aswell." I told one of the employees. "Don't worry ma'am we will be getting new stacks later so it's no problem if you buy all of them." She told me and I hesitantly nodded.

And we basically bought the whole store, when we got out people were crowding around us. It seems like they were trying to interview us, we had no patience for that type of stuff so we just ran away.

Unfortunately they still chased us and shouted questions like *Are all of you models?!* Who the heck would think we're models, well actually everyone that saw us thought we were models.

They kept chasing us until we had enough and we disappeared and went on top of some random building.

Back to reality...

And that is how we ended up here, we are now playing some random games to pass the time. I know you're wondering why we're not leaving yet but if you could see what we could see right now you'll understand.

The streets are full of people looking for us so if we jump from building to building they'll notice us. Even if we try to be as stealthy as possible it's still impossible to not have a single person notice us.

Because literally every bottom side of every building we could see were covered with people. "Ugh why won't they leave already they're wasting our time."  Aemy whined I looked at her and smirked, "Aemy what do you mean they're wasting our time you literally have thousands of years to fulfill your desires so a few days shouldn't be a problem." I told her.

"As sarcastic as ever Liandra." She eyed me and we had a stare down until we couldn't hold it in anymore and we started laughing. The others looked at us and sighed.

"Ohh that was a record holder we had a stare down for about ten seconds before laughing which beats our previous record  eight seconds." Aemy cheered and I celebrated with her.

"Next time let's try and make it to about twenty seconds." I told her and she laughed at me, "Twenty seconds!?" She laughed even harder and then I also started to laugh. "That's absurd!" She yelled while I said, "It is isn't it?!" I shouted aswell.

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