Chapter 22

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Liandra's Pov

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey........ Hey you freaking stupid idiot!" (Stupid and idiot are the somewhat the same, I know ok)

I kept poking the side of Rael's face but he still won't come back to his senses.

So in the end I ended up carrying him on my shoulder. ಠ◡ಠ Which I'm trying so hard to keep a straight face because I passed a few people and they kept their selves from laughing.

When I reached the living room I saw Seira sitting and reading a book peacefully, when she saw me she immediately put the book down and stood up to bow to me so I nodded in response.

"Seira would you mind taking care of this dude right here for me?" She looked at Rael on my shoulder and she began to keep switching her gaze between me and the unconscious idiot.

She kept doing that for awhile before she finnaly nodded, so I handed Rael to her and began to make my way to the kitchen.

There I saw M-21 eating so I waved my hand to greet him, and just like Seira he momentarily stopped eating and stood up to bow to me.

I smiled and then went to sit on the chair the opposite oh his, "Have you seen the mad ma- oh I mean Frankenstein?" He almost spit out what he was eating but fortunately he didn't.

He slowly looked at me and pointed the direction of the balcony. I nodded in response and then I stood up from my chair to go and see Frankenstein.

When I opened the door to the balcony indeed he was there but Raizel was also with him. And then they noticed me so like any other they bowed their heads while I stood there thinking of what is wrong with my life. ಠ∀ಠ Bruh.

"*ahem* so what are you both thinking about?" I asked them and raised one of my eye brows.

"Nothing in particular Your Majesty, me and master are just thinking how our lives have been very peaceful these days." I nodded and then I passed them in order to get a better view of the human world.

"Humans are quite amazing aren't they?" I told them while still gazing at the works of the humans. "They managed to improve the world so much when they were those weak creatures we had to protect not so long ago." I smiled a bit then looked back at the two of them.

"Mad ma- *ahem* Frankenstein your kind is really something." He's mouth twitched when I almost said mad man but he calmed down after hearing the next few words.

"So... what was your intention in coming here Your Majesty?" Frankenstein asked me and then I thought a bit..... Wait Oh No!! I ran and tossed Frankenstein with a bit of my power towards the direction of the gate.

"Mad idiot!!! Take care of the Aemy problem for me will you!!" I shouted as I see him land on his butt outside the gate.


I could hear Raizel sigh from behind me and I gave him one of my most innocent smiles. Suddenly my heart started hurting.... Nooo it can't be...

I swiftly passed Raizel and hurriedly went to my room. I closed the door with a loud bang and I flopped on the floor, the suddenly I spit a mouth full of blood.

"No isn't it a bit too early for this." I said to myself while looking at my hand which was covered in blood. I looked up at the ceiling and smiled a bit.

"Sorry it seems that I can't be with you for long." I muttered and stood to go to the bathroom and wash myself up.



Hey thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next update!


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