Chapter 23

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Frankenstein's Pov

I was startled when Her Majesty had suddenly dashed towards me and because I had no time to react I was already flying in the sky like a 'mad man'.

Then I heard Her Majesty yell, "Mad idiot!!! Take care of the Aemy problem for me will you!!" Calm down calm down remember who she is, she is a person that you can't offend.

Do not become the person that she keeps saying you are, and because I was too deep in my thoughts I had landed on my butt which was very embarrassing that was why I kept looking from left to right if there were anyone who saw me.

When I was sure that no one was there I thought about what Her Majesty had said................... Wait!?

I stood up and scanned my surroundings I saw an ice cream truck on the side of the road. I walked closer and closer until I could here someone licking and swallowing (don't think dirty Σ(ಠ_ಠ)).

Once I reached I peaked inside and saw Lady Aemy happily eating ice cream, I could see that she almost ate what was in the whole truck which is very impressive cause I couldn't even eat at least four cones of ice cream.

She seemed to notice me cause she glanced at me for a second but immediately returned to eating her ice cream.

"Umm Lady Aemy you must stop or you might get a cold." I tried stopping her from eating but she just ignored me like she didn't here anything.

"Lady Aemy please stop you can eat the rest tommorow."

"Lady Aemy too much ice cream is bad for your health please stop."

"Lady Aemy will you please just stop!?"


And it was like that for approximately three hours and when I had enough I just carried the truck back inside the property.

Raizel's Pov

Sister didn't look so good when she rushed away, I could sense that something was wrong with her that is why I plan on asking her later.

I went inside and sat on the couch where Rael and Seira were already sitting on, after awhile Seira went to the kitchen and  came back with a cup of tea.

She then gave it to me which I 'elegantly' took and slowly sipped a bit of it before putting it down again.

We had sat there in peace when suddenly we heard some footsteps which I knew didn't belong to my sister.

When the person got down from the stairs I saw that it was Raskrea and she looked beautiful as always.

When our eyes met I could feel my heart rapidly beat faster, I knew that I had fallen for her and marrying her was the best thing that had ever happen in my life.

I could see that Raskrea's face had become bright red so we had averted our gazes, she also sat on one of the couches opposite to where I was sitting, in awhile Rael gave her a cup of tea aswell and like me she elegantly took a sip.

While we were enjoying the comfortable silence we suddenly heard a sound that came from the outside, so we had stood up and went to see what was going on.

Raskrea's Pov

I had woken up a little late than when I usually do but I didn't mind it at all, I went to this room that they called a bathroom which we have in Lukedonia only it's a lot different.

I then bathed myself in warm water and after I had finished I smelled really great, so then I used my powers to clothe me in my Noble outfit which is what I normally use.

After I got down from the stairs I saw that people were already in the living room and I stared at one perspective person.

Me and Raizel kept staring at each other... I looked calm on the outside but in the inside I was super shy, my heart beat became very fast and my face slowly became redder and redder.

I could not take it anymore so I averted my eyes from his, I sat down on the couch which was the opposite of where Raizel was sitting...

I still can't believe that we had gotten married which I am very happy about, I smiled when I looked at the ring in my finger which I knew Raizel had one aswell.

After awhile Rael brought me some tea which I had took a sip from before I calmed down myself thanks to the great and comfortable silence inside the room.

After some time had passed we heard a noise from outside the mansion so we had stood up and went to look at what was going on........

ಠಿ_ಠಿ what am I looking at!? When we got outside of the house we saw Frankenstein!? Carrying a kind of vehicle? This thing looked very weird as I have not seen anything like it before.

Don't tell me that that's normal right?? It seems that I need to go take a rest first, maybe I'm just halusinating.

I slowly backed away and went back inside the house, then when u was inside I rapidly walked faster towards my room.

If someone would see me they'd think that I was running away from a mad man, Which is absolutely true!!

Because this confirms my suspicion.... Frankenstein is a MAD MAN!!!!!


Thanks for reading stay tuned to the next update!!
(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

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