Chapter 20

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Liandra's Pov

Ugh I know I agreed with the plan about Ludis proposing to Lorena but when I think about it isn't it too early???

I mean sure they like each other but wouldn't it be better to wait a bit, they should have dated first....

'Sigh' nothing I can do now, we just came back to the mansion and the new couple already became lovey dovey.

I glared at them and I know they could sense me... They slowly started to turn their heads to me and gave me the most innocent smile that they could pull.

I didn't respond and I just stood up and went to the kitchen, I sat on one of the seats and just thought about everything that has happened.

While I was deep in thought I felt that someone was tapping my shoulder, I looked back and saw Raizel and Aemy smiling at me. I gave them a smile back but then I went to get some food from the pot that was ready there, guess what was inside?

Ofcourse it was Ramyeon!! I was very excited but I kept my composure, I have not eaten Ramyeon for about a day or two and that makes me mad!!

I excitedly got a bowl and I filled it with Ramyeon, I heard Raizel and Aemy chuckle a bit but I didn't mind them.

I sat on the chair I was sitting before and then I waited for the Ramyeon to increase in portion, Aemy almost stole my bowl of food when I was too focused on waiting but fortunately Raizel had stopped her and he helped her get her own bowl of Ramyeon.

They both got their food and we sat there, I ate first since the my Ramyeon had increased portions first. When theirs were finished aswell we ate peacefully, "Oh right Liandra don't worry so much about Ludis and Lorena, besides you're the reason that Ludis has proposed anyways." She said to me with a bit of mockingness in her voice.

'Come on Aemy is it hard to be a little nicer to this old lady here.' I thought in my head as I cried fake tears in the inside. She laughed at me and I was getting annoyed, "Hey you know that I'm old all ready and yet you're giving me more wrinkles." When I said that Aemy laughed even harder.

"Stop joking Liandra even if you were to live a million years more you will still be an eighteen years old looking person." She said to me while winking.

"Yeah I'll still be 'beautiful' while I do want to ask Aemy...." I looked at her with curiosity. "Well go on." She said to me and I nodded, "Why are you still single? Why not get into a relationship? I'm worried that you'll end up alone ...." I clearly heard Raizel spat out his tea and I looked at him with a tint of confusion.

A vein appeared on Aemy's head and I knew right here and then that I had hit her nerves real hard. "Tch who needs men when I can make the humans grovel down my feet, I don't need to be in a relationship I can survive without a partner. Don't worry Liandra I can protect our bloodline without the help of a man, trust me I'm the most reliable and friendly person you have ever met I don't need a man to help me so don't worry about it. Am I Clear...." When she said the last words I could definitely feel that's she's really annoyed and angry.

I quickly nodded, although I am much stronger than her at this situation I am the one that's wrong and I clearly hit her nerves which was one of the biggest mistakes that I have ever made ( ̄ヘ ̄;) so I have to calm her down.

"Fine...." I plainly said but she doesn't look convinced, "Ooh let's go get ice cream." She kept quiet so I getting nervous. "Did you say ice cream! Yeahhhhhh let's gooooo!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me outside the mansion.

"Slow down." I told her but she didn't listen to me and continued to drag me, I was praying that there was a place to buy ice cream or I will have to listen to Aemy's yells for the rest of the day.

And oh my am I lucky there was an ice cream truck almost just outside the gates, Aemy let go of her grip and went to buy ice cream.

I waited for her outside the gates and man was she taking so long, I couldn't wait any longer so I went to see what was going on and how I regret it so much.

I saw Aemy buying the whole ice cream truck, she gave the man about a hundred thousand US dollars, I just wanted to smack her butt for wasting so much money. ಠ,_」ಠ

"*Sigh* Aemy you're such a dummy." I mumbled to myself and I saw that the man had gone away, I dashed inside the mansion and went to find Frankenstein to fix the Aemy problem for me.

I don't want Aemy to have a cold because she was stupid enough to buy a whole car of ice cream, but when I think about it didn't I do something even more stupid.

I thought to myself until I remembered a very embarrassing moment.


"Anna what is that?" I asked Anna who was busy looking at the water, she got back to her senses and looked at me before looking at what I was pointing at.

She almost laughed and I didn't know why. "Are you dumb Liandra that's you." She told me and I looked at her dumbfoundedly.

(She was looking at her reflection on the water.)

I then started to talk to 'me' and surprisingly when I move she moves, I tried to touch her but ended up falling into the water.


End of Flashback.....

Nonono no more of that joke of a past.


Well uhh yes umm to be continued I guess.

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