Chapter 37: Sibling Stories

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After a long while of just standing about the Square, I reset my spiked tentacles back up into their fierce points and headed all the way down to the complete other end of the city and knocked on a certain someone's apartment door. And who else but my orange tentacled squid girl ex girlfriend, just friend to answer.

Meggy: What is it now, Travis?

Me: Actually, I know my TRUE name now. I guess the DJ isn't ALL bad.

Meggy: Okay then. What's it this time?

Me: My name's actually Jacob. And all this time, I was told lies by many close people to me.

Meggy: What do you mean?

Me: Mike's not my brother, Dominic isn't my brother, and apparently I have a sister somewhere locked up in maximum security.

Meggy: Wow. I... holy shit, he lied to you?

Me: Yeah. And Serina was there too, hopped up on this sort of green goop that stuck onto the side of her face.

Meggy's look went from somewhat sassy to downright "oh no," territory.

Meggy: You do realize that she's now become a sanitized, right?

Me: Speaking of which, where's Michael? I want to punch his jaw clean off of his smug face.

Meggy: Look, just go find out if that one girl up in the state pen is somehow related to you, and we can talk about this later.

Me: About that, I was wondering if you had any money I could borrow. I'm flat broke.

Meggy: All things considered, you'd be the smart one. Sure, I'll give you enough for a bus pass to go up there.

She reached into her back pocket and handed me a stack of ten dollar bills. I took it from her and stuffed it into my front pocket and nodded.

Me: How'd you get hold of American currency if you get paid in coins here?

Meggy: Every hundred coins is one American dollar. There are some ones there, but I advise you do not waste them. Now go get your bus to the penitentiary. Go meet your sister finally, if she is your bloodline.

Me: Roger Roger.

I gave her a quick hug and spun back and headed off to the main roads. After ten minutes of trying to find a bus stop that had a bus lead to the jailhouse, I found one that had a route that went there, and I leaned up against the glass of the stop shelter. I sighed and softly ran my hand through my spikes, making sure they were still up.

Me: This'll be fun. Never met Samantha Taylor before.

???: Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

My head instantly perked up, and I looked over at the voice. Just some guy reading the morning newspaper, waiting for the bus, a scratch in his voice.

Me: You know her?

???: Somewhat. She used to be a friend of mine. She was always such a sweet girl. What went wrong with her?

Me: Perhaps we may never know.

???: I remember her being near the top of her class, Hell, even skipped Sophomore High, she was that clever. I guess clever is the right word, considering she's doing her time. Damn, if only I could talk to her again.

Me: Can't you?

???: No no. Can't go anywhere near the state penitentiary without being bombarded by officers AND inmates alike. Funny story, I was actually doing time before her. I guess she enjoys the life inside of the bars.

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