Chapter 19: Is It Really Worth It?

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I spent the next two hours cleaning up the mess that those two had put me in. I didn't realize that there was so much blood that stained the walls. I kept scrubbing and scrubbing the walls, and after a lot of elbow grease, I was able to clean the walls. The carpets, I just chucked into the basement. It looked like a whole new house by the time I was done.

I went to the bathroom and took an extra ten minutes to wash the blood out from my fur and my clothes. Not that I DID get a shower with my clothes still on, but I showered myself, and THEN I washed my clothes in the tub.

I stepped down the steps and noticed that the two shotgun shells I shot were still laying around. I tucked the cartridges into my pocket and laid back down onto the couch, turning on Family Guy on Hulu.

About two more hours passed when there was a knock on the door. I didn't pay much attention to it, one being that Sonic and Tails were both dead, and two, I didn't really give a fuck anymore. It's not like that it would hurt me, would it? I just clicked the pause button and walked over to the door, holding my hand on the doorknob. I decided to have some fun with whoever it was.

Me: Hey. This is Frank.

???: Frank Who?

The voice was more feminine. I could tell it was a young girl's voice.

Me: Frank Rizzo. Is that my pizza?

???: Uhm... no.

Me: No? I ordered a pizza, and they said that it'd be here by this time.

???: I don't know anything about a pizza. All I know is that Sonic and Tails live here.

Me: The blue Hedgehog and the two-tailed fox? Yeah. They went out somewhere, and they said that they'd be back by nightfall. Who's asking?

Amy: Amy Rose.

Me: Rose, huh? Rose, Rose, Rose. Now, where have I heard that name from? Oh, yeah. Tell your boss I ordered a meat-lovers pizza with pineapple on it.

Amy: Look. Could you just open the door?

Me: I want to know if you have my pizza. Do you, or do you not have it?

Amy: I don't have it.

Me: Then leave. Scoot. In your bike. (Chuckling) We ain't here to fuck spiders.

Amy: Well, that's rude. I have a nine year old right next to me.

Me: A nine year old? Well, I didn't know that my pizza was delivered with a side order of rabbit stew~

Amy: Perverted fuck. Now, let us in.

Me: I don't know about that. Also, I'm playing a joke on you guys. I'm actually Travis Shade the Wolf. The boys are letting me stay for a bit, at least until I decide to leave for my friends.

Amy: Could you let us in?

I pulled the door open and let the two inside. The pink Hedgehog in the red dress, and the light tan rabbit in the orange dress both stepped inside and fell down onto the couch. I shut the door and leaned against the wall.

Me: So. Why are you two here by yourselves?

Amy: Well, I haven't heard from Sonic or Tails in, like, three days?

Cream: I think it was more four.

Me: Well, I was with them last night at the bar. I don't know why Sonic was there chugging bottles, but Tails was there for the wings. I had a few beers myself, but nothing like your boyfriend did.

Amy: You believe the Internet?

Me: I mean, it's the most canonical ship. And since your debut in the series, you've been known as Sonic's stalker, or something. And Cream?

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