Chapter 40: Weapons Expert, Meet The Loser

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Marie: What do you mean you already know everything?

Me: Mike. I confronted him and he confessed extremely well. I have all the information that he told me, and if I were you, I wouldn't bullshit or guilt trip me.

Marie: Alright, Jacob. I knew you'd figure out one day or another. Anyways, how's your new family doing?

Me: Well he's only just a wee small-fry. He'll grow with time.

Marie: Alrighty. Look, Jacob. I'm sorry for lying. Truly, I am. I just didn't want anyone to hold anything against you. Now that everyone, especially yourself, know what you are all about, they'll have suspicions, but I don't think they'll hold a lot against you.

Me: Well, I just want to say that when the truth is kept hidden for so long, it'll eventually fade into obscurity, and nobody will ever know what it truly was. Now, I have to go. I'm waiting outside of the battle lobby.

Marie: Now why are you waiting there? Got a date with Desti?

Me: Last I checked, the art students get out at four. I'm waiting for Mike so we can go turfing. Ever do turf?

Marie: Hell, it's been a few years since before becoming a pop star with Callie. You two have fun at Manta Maria, or Blackbelly Skatepark. Those two are in stage rotation right now. Have fun you two.

Me: Yep. Hey, how's DJ been? Still annoying as ever?

Marie: Like you wouldn't believe, Jacob. Like you wouldn't believe.

Me: Anyways, I'm gonna leave you go now. Sorry if I was annoying you.

Marie: No no, you weren't annoying me. Grandpa's yelling for me now. I have to go anyways.

She just up and hung up on me. I shrugged and slid my phone back into my pocket and leaned against the wall of Ammo Knights, the weapons shop just next to the Lobby area.

Me: Well if I can make enough coin, I can get different weapons.

???: Yeah, although some feel the same, others are completely different.

My head perked up at the voice, and I looked over at it. There he was. Sheldon, the horseshoe crab. The gun nut, the weapons expert, the guy that talks your ear off. You name it, he's got it.

Me: Hey, Sheldon. How's the business?

Sheldon: Oh business as usual. Selling weapons to 14 year olds. Anyways, how's it been going with you since you've got back?

Me: Sounds like someone's been around the Squid Sisters.

Sheldon: No no. I heard about it in the news. Well, I'm basically the only one here that reads the papers. I have it hung up on the wall in my shop, next to the collection of Rollers. Say, what are you doing here aside from talking with me?

Me: You know Michael Jameson? Ever hear of him?

Sheldon: Oh yes yes yes. He's one of my regular customers. He's mostly been testing my weapons, without no pay, of course, but to his, and mine's, satisfaction. I tell you, there's nothing better than seeing him dodge-roll from the one side of the training area to the other in just two rolls from the Dark Tetra Dualies. I know their roll distance is the same, but you can dodge four times with those things.

Me: Sounds like a fun time.

Sheldon: Yeah Yeah of all the things he could do, flinging a heap of ink over the training areas wall with the Kensa Dynamo Roller, following up with a Booyah Bomb in the same direction never gets old. For some reason, he never uses Sprinkler. I wonder why, maybe the small range of its spread. For whatever reason, he chooses the Kensa over the Gold, Ink Armor and Splat Bombs seem to be much more viable for his kind of battle than the Kensa.

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