Chapter 42: Just Trying to Help

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A full three days of waiting in the hospital and loathing the Hell that everyone gave me, also not getting any visits from anyone, I was back out on the streets, wandering as the sun sank deeper into the distance. Hey, the difference between now and a few months ago is that I didn't need to wear a bandage over my head and I could actually walk without crutches. I just wandered the streets until I reached the place where I met HER again: the old bar right on the outskirts of town. If anything, I just wanted to see how she's been holding up without me. I just had so many thoughts and questions that I couldn't think much.

I just sighed and hobbled my way through the doors, and every head turned my way. I hung my head low and limped over to the bar. And who else to be behind the counter than Carly, Mike's old friend.

Carly: Hey, I heard what happened to you. How've you been holding up after that incident?

Me: If I'm being all honest, I hurt. My mind's gone fuzzy, I bled a lot, and the fact I gotta walk around with crutches shows I ain't capable of being by myself most often. I tell you something, I don't think I'm gonna be able to be myself for a while.

Carly: Well, I guess it would make sense, all things considered. Hey, do you want a beer? I mean I'll get you one if you ask.

Me: Just like everyone else, I'd have to pay for it. I don't think you have a "survivor of a serious injury" claim.

Carly: No we don't. I mean, I could always open a tab for you. Order now, pay later. My usuals all have tabs they pay. What's the harm in you starting one?

Me: Many numbers to memorize.

Carly: I have their tabs open by name. Just like Jackson right over there, the Octoling in near the emergency exit. He's always in here, getting hundreds' worth almost every night he's in here. And he's paid most of his tabs off within a week. The only times he hasn't was three years back when he had that breakup, and tonight, where he's still drinking. His saying is "I'll give it to you in a week. If not, I'm dead from the poisoning."

Me: Heh, I guess he's right. Ya know what? Open a tab under Jacob Taylor. It's my actual birth name. It's written on the certificate.

Carly: Okay... let's see... "Tabs. Jacob Taylor. Open new tab." There we go. So far, you're completely barren. Simple answer is the drinks you get are on your bill, and a copy of your bill is given to me to mark on your tab.

Me: Sounds pretty complicated. Are you sure you got this whole place under wraps?

Carly: Jacob, I ran with wolves before. The real ones, too. Ran with them all through the night, only pausing on a ridge line to howl at the midnight moon.

Me: Takes the term "Wild Child" to a whole new level.

Carly: Look, do you want a beer or not?

Me: Yeah sure, I need the relief.

She slid me a bottle right across the table. I took it and tipped it towards her.

Me: To a good friend. That lost all trust in me in the end.

Carly: What do you mean?

Me: Oh, Mike's pissed at me still, I think. He knows that I know we're not related. And the fact that he's... I believe he's still a virgin.

Carly: I wouldn't say anything against him about that. Considering...

Me: You look gun-shy. What's eating you up?

She blushed redder than a fresh tomato right from the garden. I just sipped my bottle and leaned my crutches against the bar.

Carly: Well... I'd... no I can't say. I... okay, he... let's just say...

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