Chapter 3: Second Chance At Life

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Back to Orange's view.

Me: Who the fuck are you guys? Really. I'd like to know.

Mike: You don't remember me?

Me: I've never seen you before in my life.

Infinite: This is bad. He can't remember you. Do you remember me, Orange?

Me: I don't even know my fucking NAME, let alone someone I JUST met.

Mike: This is a serious situation we got ourselves into, ain't it?

Infinite: Well... he's alive.

Me: I'm sitting right here, in front of you, aren't I?

Mike: Not that this question matters or anything, but have you ever had a girlfriend?

Me: I... I can't remember if I did or not. Maybe. I don't know.

Infinite: Let's start with the basics. You're name is Orange of the Emerald Forest, but it also is Naranja del Bosque Verde, Which is the same in Spanish. You're a 19 year old Inkling boy, with no memory of anything. No friends, no family, no... anything, rally.

Mike: I'm Michael, but call me Mike. It may be a surprise to you, but I'm your brother.

Me: I'll believe that.

Mike: This is Infinite.

Infinite: Not that I'm a friend, but I am a friendly rival. Understand that?

Me: You're not just a friend, but you're also my enemy?

Infinite: Close enough.

Mike: You went on some crazy adventures when you were younger. I'll spare details of it, though.

Infinite clearly whispered to Mike something I couldn't hear.

Me: What are you talking about?

Mike: He... told me something I should bring up to you. It's... about the rest of our family. Just mother and father. They're... ahem... they're both gone.

Me: What? How?

Mike: Well... father was because of what happened during the past with you, and mother passed because she had cancer.

Me: Oh... I didn't know. I... what exactly happened in my past?

Mike: I... Well...

Infinite: I'll tell you later.

Me: Could I know now?

Infinite: In all hindsight, you'd be best off without knowing that until a little later.

Me: The fuck?

Mike: He means he doesn't want you to know.

Me: Thank you. Now, I don't know much. All I know is your names and mine. I have no memories of anything.

Mike: Not even mother or father?

Me: Nope. Not that I can recall.

Infinite: Any friends growing up?

Me: I think I did. A few.

Mike: Maybe if we string enough words together, you may remember something.

Infinite: Two words: rifle bullet.


Infinite: What? It's the last thing that went through his mind.

Infinite laughed at his own comment, and Mike chuckled.

Mike: Shut the fuck up.

Me: Wait.

I could... feel something. Like... that it was true about something. I clutched my head and shook it.

Me: What's happening?

Infinite: Stop fighting your memory. Let it flow.

I released my hands and stopped shaking my head.

Infinite: Close your eyes. Maybe you can see something there.

I did as I was told.

Infinite: What do you see?

I could see everything that those words reminded me of. A dark room, a rifle in my hand, my other one reaching for the trigger. I just couldn't piece it together.

Mike: Open them.

I did as I was told again. I wiped my brow and took a deep breath.

Infinite: He saw something, alright.

Me: A dark room, my hands on a gun, one reached for the trigger, the other holding the barrel to my head.

Mike: Looks like he remembers THAT.

Infinite: Look, Orange. It's not just like-

Me: I killed myself?

Mike: Is now a bad time?

Infinite: Unfortunately, that was the way you went out.

Mike: Went out with a bang.

Infinite: You fucking prick.

Mike: Sorry. Yeah. You... killed yourself in the abandoned building at the edge of town last year.

Me: Last year, huh? I... don't believe it, but seeing as you brought me back, I'll believe it. Also, I like the patchwork you did to me.

Mike: Now, don't go picking at them.

Infinite: Good news about it, as well as bad news. Bad news, we couldn't fully jumpstart your heart, which leads to the good news. I was able to charge a prototype Phantom Ruby to replace the heart of you and restore your life.

Me: That was...

Mike: Uncanny?

Me: Not really. I was going to say that I'm stunned knowing all this.

Mike: Tell you what. Let's hit the bar. A few drinks is what we need. Don't worry. You're old enough.

Me: 18 is the legal drinking age? Sounds like Mexico, or Ireland.

Mike: So you remember countries, but you don't remember anyone you used to know?

Me: Somewhat.

Infinite: Any music?

Me: Umm... country. Yeah. Country music.

Mike: Any song artists you know of?

Me: A few. Luke Bryan, Cole Swindel, a few.

Infinite: At least he knows a few good ones.

Mike: Try hopping on down here.

I pushed myself off the table and onto my feet. I could barely balance myself, so I leaned slightly on Mike's shoulder.

Mike: A year in the ground did this to you?

Me: Oh, go fuck yourself.

Mike: To the bar?

Me: Sure. Let's go.

Infinite: I'll get the girl.

Mike: She might already be there, Jackal. You know she's been through a lot of pain in a year.

Infinite: Best bet, she is there.

Me: I want to know who this girl is.

Mike: You'll remember her when you see her.

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