Chapter 30: No Laws On Brotherly Love

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Mike: Look. You're a good man. A great brother. A kind friend. A good hero to the people who need help. But you just went too far this time, Emerald. I'm putting a stop to it before it can get out of hand.

Me: Then go ahead and shoot me then, you coward. I know you don't have the balls to.

Mike: Guess What, ya bastard? I ended more Octopod lives than you.

Me: I used to be like that. Now, I'm a killer. A killer raised by good parents that passed so early in life. I want to feel them again. I really do. End it before it gets too out of hand.

I saw his hands shake for a bit, but he steadied himself and stepped a bit closer to me, close enough so that the barrel was right against my forehead. I closed my eyes and gave a soft smile.

Me: Thank you, Michael. Your heroism will be rewarded. I bet the police is on me, too. You'd be rewarded handsomely with this action.

I felt the barrel leave my head, and I opened my eyes and looked at him. He just sighed and slid the gun back into his pocket, eyes on the ground.

Mike: I can't do it. I love you too much to do it. We're brothers, not enemies. I don't care what happened while you were away. I just want my brother with me. I need him. Where is he?

I softly smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He twitched a bit, but he hugged me back and rested his head on my shoulder.

Me: Right here, Michael. I'm here.

Mike: It's just... it hurts.

Me: What does?

Mike: My heart. And no, it's not a heart attack. I don't know how to describe it.

Me: You want me to stay a while. I get it. I'll stay a bit longer.

Mike: Thank you. Really.

He let go of me and tapped on the side of his head a couple times.

Mike: I got a few ideas I want to do. But first...

He stepped back into the kitchen and came back out not a minute later and handed me a plate of scallops. I took it from him and instantly chowed down on the seafood.

Mike: Scallops are some of the easiest seafood to make. Mix some garlic seasoning with some white wine, cook them on each side for a minute, and there you go. Instant fish with good food.

I finished the last of the scallops and threw the plate right into the dumpster, and Mike just sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Mike: I don't think the boss will like it when I tell him that we lost a plate. Oh well.

Me: Oh well, just need to get another one.

Mike: Tell you what: how about you come into the diner for a while? It's only about 2:45.

Me: Well, I wanted to do some shit with you.

Mike: Well, I normally work a 40 hour week, 8 hours a shift, but it's actually been quite a while since I've worked a weekend. I guess I can ask the boss. Wait right here.

Me: Not like I'm going anywhere important.

He hopped back into the diner and stepped out not five minutes later, wearing a hoodie and jeans with his black boots.

Me: You look nice, man.

Mike: And you look like you got hit by a train. Seriously, where is your yellow hoodie you got from Marie?

Me: I forgot it back in Mobius. Just left it there.

Mike: Well, let's just say that there's many ways we can go now. Mobius, Kalos, maybe even Kanto.

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