Chapter 48: Court Hearing

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September 27th. Finally, my day has arrived. Court hearing. Because fuck my life, that's why. I sat right where the defendants always do, right behind a desk, nobody around me. I didn't even bother with a lawyer, nor a counter-sue. I knew it was eventual. Also, I was cuffed, but not shackled.

Judge: Mr. Taylor. From the looks in my courthouse, it appears that nobody has decided to stand by you.

Me: Your honor, I told them it was best to just stay back from this. I don't want your courtroom to look like Normandy, if you may pardon my words.

Judge: While it is understandable, I am still wondered as to why you are alone?

Me: As I stated previously, I do not want them arguing with someone of upmost power, Your Honor.

Judge: So you would rather not have anyone remember your court trial?

Me: Everyone would remember me by what I had done. To everyone I had harmed, to all I have stuck down, to everyone I have wronged, I'm sorry. For everything that I have done. For the damage I had caused. For the death that has despaired you all. For the actions caused by my hands.


Judge: ORDER ORDER!! Now I understand that there is the wish of an eternal demise for dear Jacob, but settle down in my courtroom, Sir, or you will be forced to leave.

Me: It's okay, your Honor. It happened to me a while ago, back when I was admitted to B&B Rehab. I still can't remember how I ended up in that mess, but I know I spent the two years being gawked at, pelted with food, you get the picture. Negativity within a community directed at me isn't something I am a stranger to. The way they act was virtually identical to how he's acting.

Judge: And while I can understand what kind of position you were in, my son WAS in juvenile detention of course, you have to admit that even though it's something you can remember feeling and that it's not the first time, you can at least say it's uncalled for.

Me: Everyone would be mad at me because I did all the things up there I'm on for trial, and I feel as if my mother thought I were better. Unfortunately under the rules of law here, I cannot get the death penalty to see my parents again. I am at the mercy of the laws of this damned place. I would only merely take up a cell. I could not confess to detectives, but I am confessing to the court now. This is what I deserved. I fear as though family wouldn't care anyways, but I wouldn't give two shakes of a lamb's tail.

Judge: So you DO admit to all accusations? The murders, the robberies, everything?

Me: I confess greatly. If it were a lie, I wouldn't be here. I shall take my sentence greatly. If it is death I wish, I shall believe to earn it.

The judge looked at the papers on his desk, and flipped through a few of them.

Judge: Rule 742 of the Inkopolis Court, "No man nor woman shall be executed in any way, shape, or form. By legislation of the Court of Law, there shall not be any exemption or executions."

Me: Legislation or not, it's important to do what is right, whether against the ruling or not.

Judge: Following government orders IS doing what is right, Mr. Jacob. I understand that many of us here would... not sugarcoating it, they'd actually LIKE to see you publicly hanged. But as the law states, we cannot do execution, period. Now, how shall you feel to plead.

Me: Guilty, your Honor. Guilty of every crime I committed.

Judge: And the law states we cannot give death penalty, but I may ask, how long do you think you deserve to get behind bars?

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