Chapter 7: Burger Frustration

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After a long night resting in the abandoned amusement park, I hopped down to the ground and scooped up my bottle, which had nothing in it. I grabbed the bottle of scotch and poured some of that in my bottle and drank it right after. A good wake-up call, for sure.

Me: Alright. That'll keep me for a bit. Now, what to do...

Meggy: Good morning, Orange.

I looked up at her and smiled.

Me: Morning, sunshine.

Meggy: Where you headed?

Me: Well...

I scratched the back of my head.

Me: I want to understand what really happened to me.

Meggy: I think it's way too early for you to truly hear what you really were. You just returned not even a day ago, and you're already wanting to know exactly everything you were.

Me: Well, I just want to know what I really was. I don't know why, but I felt like I was a human once.

Meggy: Because you were human. You changed when I first fell into the frame. First day you moved here, to be precise.

Me: I... I think I remember that. Some guy was brandishing his weapon at you, and I stepped in.

Meggy: I thanked you for that.

Me: Did I ever say "you're welcome?"

Meggy: I think. It was well over a year since.

Me: Well, I think I should find Infinite and ask him about what I was before now.

Meggy: I could tell you everything, but he'll be able to tell every detail exactly. Go on and find him. I believe he's back at the Plaza. That, or the Starbucks down the road from there. Word of advice: buy the double-chocolate. Delicious.

Me: If I can get money, I will. I want to know everything about myself first.

Meggy: Go on, then. I'm not holding you back.

I nodded and headed to the gate. I looked back at her and saw her climb out of the cart and back onto the floor. I turned back to the gate and pushed it open and walked through.

About ten minutes later...

The last time I could remember the Plaza, it was I fiery mess. Now, everything's back to normal. The buildings are rebuilt, the shops are opened, and the food truck has a line. Guess who was at the front, arguing with the person working in the truck? Yep. Infinite the Jackal.

Infinite: Look, can't you spare me some food? At least a drink will be enough for me.

???: Sorry. We don't serve humans here.

Infinite: I'm a fucking JACKAL. A Jackal is an animal.

I chuckled a bit and walked over to the truck and leaned up against it.

Infinite: Good thing you're here, Orange. This fucker isn't giving me any food because I'm "A human." CLEARLY, I'm not.

Me: Well, I think he means he's not serving anyone except for Inklings. Really thinking about it, I think that's what he means.

Infinite: Fucking bullshit.

???: Get out of line. I got customers to serve.

I stepped over to the window and stared the guy dead in the eyes. Crusty Sean. The beer-battered shrimp wasn't taking anything from Infinite. I thought he'd listen to me.

Me: Sean. He's with me. Give him his food. There's no need to cause trouble here. The only person that WOULD be able to settle this dispute would be me, but I've only been here for a day. Less than, if I want to be correct.

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