Chapter 46: Attempting Making Amends

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I sighed and knocked on the door. I scratched the back of my palm as a million thoughts ram through my head. What would happen if she didn't care? What if she found someone else? What if... she wanted me dead?

Me(thinking): I screwed up so much in the past few months. I know for a fact that THIS is both the stupidest and riskiest thing I've fucking done since that jewelry store thing a while back. Okay, calm down, Jacob. It's not like there's a laser sight trained on my forehead. This isn't war, this is just trying to make peace. And hopefully amends.

A few minutes passed with nothing of event to note. Just a slight night breeze and the shining of a full moon. Well, almost full. I knocked again and started tapping my foot on the sidewalk.

Me(thinking): Please please don't hate me too much to not listen to my saying. I just want you to know how much I truly feel. I... Dammit, I can't do this. I can't tell her I care. I bet she doesn't, either. What the fuck am I thinking? She won't listen anyways, all just a waste of time.

I scratched behind my head and waited. And waited, and waited, waited some more. Pretty soon, I was slumped against the wall, snoring softly, remembering the day we first met. That fateful day, that started my adventure of... just random shit. Memories I could never forget, like the first day, meeting the Squid Sisters, and even battling Zero, to an extent.

I didn't know how many hours passed, but when I woke, the square was bustling with many people, whether hanging out with their friends, heading to the Lobby, or just browsing the shops. I held my head and rubbed the side of it, headache clearly forming. The click of a locking feature perked my head up. I felt something rumble in my pocket, and what did I pull out but the Ruby, shimmering brighter than the stars.

Me: But what does it mean? What does it indicate?

??: Me, dumbass. Why are you here?

I looked over, and there she stood. Meggy Spletzer, about as red-eyed as she looked as her clothes were in shreds.

Me: Jesus, Meggy. What happened?

Meggy: Alcoholism.

Me: You're 17.

Meggy: And I'm still alive. So what? I can handle a few.

Me: Too much and you'll die. Besides, it's ruining your social life.

Meggy: I haven't had to talk to anyone since you first left me again, and I haven't had to leave the house in two months. As for how I'm supplied, that Carly chick delivers it to me.

Me: I didn't think she delivered. But why do you do this to yourself?

Meggy: Don't play coy. I know you have a son, I know you run with Zero and his gang, and I know Zero's falling like a meteor for your sister. What I want to know is why do you even come around anymore? Isn't Zero's Jackal Squad where you belong?

Me: Everybody needs a place to hide. Everyone needs a drink to sooth pain. And every single person on this ground needs a heart to belong to them.

Meggy: So? You think your bony ass would love a drunk like me? I swear I don't have any recollection of anything.

Me: What about the day we first met?

Meggy: So? That guy was just pissed that I rejected him to a date.

Me: He pulled a gun-

Meggy: Whatever. The point is if you didn't save me, I wouldn't even be here to talk to you.

Me: You have friends that care.

Meggy: Friends are nothing but a mere illusion. It's like the Three Wise Monkeys. Mizaru, who sees no evil, covering his eyes. Kikazaru, who hears no evil, covering his ears. And then there's Iwazaru, who speaks no evil, covering his mouth.

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