Chapter 33: A Month of Silence, and A Memory (18+ Dialogue)

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It's been a full month since I stopped by the Squid Sister's cabin to help out with the problem of Meggy, and I was just not right. A month of time passing, a month of me doing absolutely nothing with my life. I'm being serious, I haven't. A month on the streets, diving into dumpsters across the city, struggling to live in the snow of April, nowhere to spend my time but the alleys. Hardly anyone noticed me, and if they did, they didn't care or want to help.

I just spent the month of time just withering away, like a flower that's run out of water. Just laying in the alleys, the cold air on my bare arms, hunger and heartbreak tearing at my skin. I didn't want anyone to see me after the stunts I pulled. Hero to zero, all within a few weeks. Forget being bone-dry with thirst, I was just all skin and bones, so much so that my ribs were visible and I could barely even move.

Nights are terrible for me being basically a twig. Cold, sometimes snowy, and without a roof over my head, some nights I almost froze like a calamari popsicle. Even when I managed to sleep, it was only for a couple hours. The bone-chilling air just kept me from sleeping, and even if I made a fire, the wind would just poof. Blow it right out.

Tonight was no different from anything I've felt. The cold wind, the soft powdery snow falling, and nothing but my shorts and undershirt protecting barely any of myself from the cold. I just curled up into a ball and shivered, trying to keep warm. All I could think about was what I had done to everyone. All of my misdeeds, all of my mistakes, and all of the pain I've caused everyone.

Me: God. I h-h-hope you can g-g-give me a blanket. I'm f-f-fucking freezing h-h-here. P-p-Please give me a miracle. S-S-Someone, anyone, please h-h-year my cries for h-help.

I laid there in silence for a few long minutes that felt like hours and rolled onto my side. I stayed like that an extra long few minutes, until I felt something rub against my shoulder.

Me: G-Go away. I'm n-n-not interested in your c-c-cookies.

???: Travis? It's me.

I just sighed and looked over my shoulder, staring Emma right into her majestic Jackal eyes, but looked away and lowered my head.

Me: W-W-What the f-f-fuck are you d-d-doing here? D-D-Don't you know w-w-What I did?

Emma: I know you did bad, but everyone can be forgiven.

Me: Not me. D-D-Definitely not me.

Emma: Shade, please listen to me.

Me: N-N-No. I'm a fucking mess, and I d-d-don't want to talk. I ruined m-m-my own life.

I felt something soft wrap around me, and I knew it was some sort of quilt. I instantly felt warmer and pulled it around myself.

Emma: My mother made it for my brother, but you need it more. You'll freeze if you don't find anything to warm you up.

Me: Go home to Zero, Emily. I need no help.

Emma: It's been a month since you've seen ANYONE, Travis. Look, I get it. You hate what you've done, but where have you been throughout the month?

Me: Alleyways, freezing my ass off, starving myself, and feeding on nothing but the cold white snow. How's the month been for you?

Emma: Travis? Are you... have you been starved the entire month?

Me: What the Hell do you think? No, I'm just skin and bones from eating three meals a day. I'm being sarcastic, I haven't been able to find ANYTHING in the dumpsters, so I'm basically gone with starve until I find something.

Emma: Oh my, Travis, don't be doing that. I know you feel bad, but you can't be doing that.

Me: Fuck that, Emily. Just... go home to Zero. He'll give you the attention you need.

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