Chapter 26: An $8 Million Withdrawl

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After an uncomfortable, yet calm night's sleep and a trip to a gas station for a few pick-me-up snacks and drinks at roughly 9 in the morning, the five of us were on our way to the bank in the totally-not-suspicious work van. Black, with a gray lightning strike down each side. I was in the back, not the backseat, considering the fact that there was ONLY two seats in the entire thing, the driver and passenger seats. I held onto the small lip in the frame of the van next to Spike, Ivan across from us, and Emma driving us there, with Zero next to her, nodding his head to whatever he was listening to in his mask. I picked up the old replica of Zero's mask and turned it around in my hands. The same mask I wore during the Jewelry Store Heist.

Emma: We're about three minutes out from drop-off, boys. It seems like an easy steal for you guys, considering that it's you Four doing this, and I'm only the driver. Stick to the plan, and you'll be fine.

Ivan: What I'm wondering is what song Zero is listening to.

Zero: I'd rather not tell. I want you to guess what it is.

Spike: Easy. Fallen Angel, by Three Day's Grace.

Zero: Sorry. It's not even Three Days.

Ivan: Well, is it Skillet?

Zero: Not even close. It's one guy, and he did collaborate with others doing his songs with him.

Emma: Please Tell me it isn't country music.

Zero: Nope. It's on the edge of rock and pop.

Me: Judging by how your head bobs to the music, I'm calling Jonas Brothers.

Zero: Hell no. I'd rather listen to nails across a chalkboard. Rock for the win. You want me to say some lyrics?

Ivan: Please do. I'm tired of guessing.

Zero(rapping): Did all this work and discovered my purpose and turned into someone I wanted to be.

I slapped my hands together and ended up pointing at the roof.

Me: Do or Die, Mike's Dead.

Zero: See? The kid gets it.

Me: I've been on my shit, I killed the voices in my skull. I put a 22 up to my brain and let the fucking trigger pull.

Spike: Sick of y'all, sick of me, I'm sick of all the sympathy. I'd rather try to fix myself than live a life of misery.

Emma: My question is why do you guys know that song? It's been out for, like, two weeks now.

Me: Let's just say I like to listen to him when I try to sleep.

Ivan: I just looked up Mike's Dead and that was his latest song he released. Personally I enjoy it. It's not as good as Miss Me, and I think it's a little short. Still pretty good, nonetheless.

Zero: I have it on repeat. That way, we can all say it's Do or Die. Also, Orange? You still have your prototype, right?

I reached into my pocket and grabbed the shiny gemstone and tossed it up and down a bit.

Me: Just like last time, except I get a full disguise instead of just a mask.

Spike: This isn't your first bank run?

Me: Jewelry store, but it was a small take, too. My question is what's the take?

Zero: Simple: 20% across the board. Roughly $8 million for five people, that's around $1.4 million each.

Emma: Okay. Right up here's the bank. I'll stay just long enough for you to get out and get going. Then I'll head back. There's a four door right in the lot, perfect for taking. It'll need hot-wired, though to start.

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