Chapter 1: A Grave Visit

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This bit will be told in Infinite's view.

Me(thinking): Dark night. Perfect for a grave robbery.

I lifted the heavy casket over the edge of the ground, pulled myself up from the hole, and shoveled the dirt back into the hole that was left there. Smoothened it out, and threw the coffin over my shoulder and headed for the gates of the cemetery.

Me: Hold on to your satchel, country boy. I'll get you fixed up.

I hopped up and over the gates and walked down the side of the road. It would be a long walk. Five hours heading sixty mph there. Who knows how long at three mph?

Me: This'll take forever. I'll ring up the boss, see if he'll come get me.

I tapped on the side of my helmet.

Me: Captain? You there?

Captain: Infinite? Have... retrieved... from...?

Me(thinking): Great. Static.

Captain: You... is... Orange... success...

Me: Umm... General Purpose 10-1. Poor connection. Repeat that.

Captain: Is... Secure?

Me: Are you asking me if I have the package?

Captain: 10-4. Wondering... good or not?

Me: 10-24. Package received. 10-76 rendezvous to extraction point.

Captain: Two clicks South. Copy?

Me: 10-2 good communication. 10-4. Over and out.

Captain: Good luck, Infinite.

Me: Same to you too, Cuttlefish.

I hoisted the casket back onto my shoulder and, using both the street lights and the Phantom Ruby, started heading to the field to the South.

Me: I remember the first time we fought each other. Well, I guess we didn't necessarily fight. I scared you enough to get out of there.

I had the memory of my time with Orange. Null Space, the door to the past, and the way he cried himself out of there.

Me: Good Times. Good Times. Too bad they went over our heads. We both had a good time with that, but they went too fast.

I thought I heard something behind me, but when I turned, nothing was there. I shrugged and continued walking.

Me: I keep hearing them. Those voices. It's... HIM. I don't know if they are, but they sound like it.

???: Hey, Infinite. Over here.

That voice stood out. I shook my head and turned down a long, dim alley.

Me: Hello?

???: You don't remember me, Infinite?

Me: Umm... where are you?

???: I'm right here. Down in the alley. I can see the shining Ruby.

Me: Who are you?

???: That casket you have there. Who's in it?

Me: A rival of mine.

???: I thought I was your rival. You seriously don't remember me?

Me: No. I can't see you.

???: I'm the mute that beat you. I'm not muted anymore. I remember our fights.

Me: You shook like a leaf when we first started all this. That spiky blue hedgehog was the bane of my existence.

???: And me. Don't forget about me.

Me: And you. But, the question is... who exactly are you?

???: You know who I am. The one that ran away the first time. I defeated you a while back, and now, here you are.

Me: Shut it. Just let me do what needs to be done.

???: Sure. I look forward to our next rematch.

Me: Same here, Wolf.

???: Go on, then. You know where to go.

I nodded and headed back down the street, following the road until I reached the field, where a helicopter surrounded by police vehicles were. I knew the helicopter was my way out of here, but it wouldn't take off without a pilot AND no heat from the cops. I kept the coffin on my shoulder and crouched down as low as I could in the tall grass.

Me(thinking): This is bad. My one way out is blocked.

Captain: In... Sur... 10-10. In combat. 10-101? Are... alright..?

Me: 10-23. I'm Here.

Captain: Run as far away from here as you can. They have us pinned into a corner.

Me: Not on my watch.

Captain: There's too many of them. Fall back. That's an order.

Me: I'm not leaving without you.

Captain: Too late for that. Get out of here.

Me: Permission to defy order?

Captain: DENIED!!! You get away from here and back to the lab ASAP!!!

Me: I... Goddammit. 10-4. I'll get going.

Captain: They aren't leaving this heat up.

Me: Captain? I'll be back for you. Promise.

Captain: Do What you can, Agent Infinite.

I snuck away from the fight and back onto the street, where I opened a portal to the lab, a small shack on the outskirts of Inkopolis. I stepped through and closed it behind me.

Me: Phew. Not the type of fight the Captain should be fighting for his age.

I pushed open the door and walked over to the table and dropped the casket onto it.

Me: That's been killing me. I haven't lifted that much since the time Agent Marie wanted to rebuild the Towers.

I shoved open the lid and pulled the heavy corpse of my rival out of it and laid him onto another table. He was as motionless as he was decayed, which was to say VERY. His feet were almost in perfect condition, but the rest of him, Whoo, boy. Makes sense because he WAS rotting in a coffin for a year. The smell just made it worse. Good thing my mask had a gas mask function on it.

Me: Alright. Time to get him back.

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