Chapter 14: Equipment Run

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I transformed back into myself and stormed away from Infinite. After what that bastard did to all of us, about him using actual PEOPLE in his food, I needed to cool down. At least for a while. There was a river on the outside of town, so I headed down there and leaned up against a tree, watching the river ripple by.

Me: What the fuck is wrong with him? Inkling burgers. Well, at least mine was a bit bloody. God, we all need psychological help.

I sat down on the dirt and took a deep breath.

Me: Three days is all I need. Ten, five, or her. I guess I can just get this shit done. But I'll need my stuff. How to get it without being noticed by anyone... hmm... I'll just say I want my stuff back.

I sat there for about an hour thinking about everything that has happened in my life. Ever since that day, over a year ago, I had felt different. Why did my mother send me to Inkopolis if I wasn't that bad a guy? What made me lose my mind that night in the field? And who can I trust now that everyone knows that I ate a guy?

I flipped my hoodie inside out to cover the blood up and headed back into town. There were some people who saw me, but they either payed no attention to me or they waved good morning, which I waved back at with a friendly smile. Hey, I didn't want ANYONE to know who I really was.

I made my way back to the Plaza and knocked on Meggy's apartment door and tapped my foot. I hoped she'd answer it, and wouldn't you know it, she did.

Meggy: Cannibal. What do you want this time?

Me: Well, just my guitar and rifle.

Meggy: Why your guitar?

Me: Just wanted to see if I could play it.

Meggy: Why would I give something as basic as that to a cannibal?

Me: Meggy, I- *sigh* I would be very much pleased if you give me what I ask for.

Meggy: *sigh* fine. Come in then.

I stepped through the door and walked straight to the couch, looking under it for my cases. I reached under and slid them out, opening the one to my guitar. I was surprised by how it still looked. It looked recently polished and sanded, and I could even see the OEF initials on the back of the base.

Me: I still have the initials in it.

Meggy: I just got it refurbished.

Me: I can see that. The letters were almost faded away.

Meggy: It was he only thing that kept me going.

Me: You play?

Meggy: Only a few times.

Me: You want to play a song for me?

Meggy: I don't know. Should I?

I handed her the guitar.

Me: Homecoming Queen, by Kelsea Ballerini, please?

Meggy: W-well, I haven't played in a while.

I smiled softly.

Me: Please? It'd make me happy. Especially since I won't be able to be home for three days because of a debt I need to pay.

Meggy: Well, What debt is it?

Me: I have to repay Infinite. It was umm...

I knew I couldn't get away with lying, so I didn't.

Me: Me and Infinite robbed the jewelry store.

Meggy: You two did WHAT?!?

Me: We robbed the jewelry store down across town. I did it mostly for you, Meggy. You were out of money, and I wanted to help you. It was the quickest way to get money for you. Sure, $3.6 million is a lot, but whittled down 60-40 me, it's still a lot. I get $2.16 million for it.

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