Chapter 11: It Wasn't Enough

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The jewels that me and Infinite swiped from the store were sent to one of the Jackal's closest friends on the other side of town. He decided to head out to one of his favorite spots to relax for a while while the heat of the cops died down. Me, on the other hand? I decided that the jewelry store heist wasn't enough for me. I wanted to see and feel blood. I didn't know who to take until I heard something whack against something, or someone.

I hopped down from the roof of the abandoned house and barely opened the door. A dim sliver of light shined through. I could feel the faint heat of a candle even outside of the door. Even through the gloves, which I was still wearing for some reason.

I pushed the door open enough so I could barely squeeze my head through and looked inside. A poor, young girl sat next to a broken table, the small candle faintly lighting the room. She looked to be younger than six, in a white dress stained and torn, and her small orange braids kind of showed me of what Meggy would've looked like when she was young.

I started to tear up seeing her like that. She didn't deserve to go through rough times like I did. I didn't want her to feel pain. Not anymore.

I pushed the door open enough so I could slip through and shut it behind me. I heard the floorboards creak, and I felt a tug on my pant leg.

???: Excuse me?

I looked down at the girl. She stared at me with these beautiful diamond eyes.

Me: Hello, sweetheart.

???: Why are you here?

Me: I just wanted to escape the cold for a while. I wonder why you are here.

???: Oh. Mother and father are upstairs in bed, and we live here.

Me: You live here?

???: Unfortunately, yes. We can't go anywhere else because dad doesn't spend anything on us.

Me: What do you mean, sweetheart?

???: He keeps all of his money hidden somewhere. I don't know about where it is, but I know he hides it.

I growled in a low tone.

Me: Why would he hide his money?

???: Well... he never told me to tell anyone this, but he abuses us.

I placed my hand on her cheek.

Me: How so, sweetheart?

???: Hurts.

She rolled up her sleeve and showed me bruises and deep cuts all down her arms. I felt bad for her, but I wanted her to feel better.

Me: Do you trust me?

???: Dad always said never trust strangers.

Me: You can't trust your dad. Where is he?

???: Upstairs, in a different room than my mother. Last one on the left when you turn left.

Me: Thank you. May the goddess smile upon you.

I let go of her cheek and walked over to her kitchen and grabbed a knife from the knife block.

???: Ummm... what are you doing?

Me: Saving you from your father.

???: You have a cool tail.

I thought about it for a bit, then put the knife back into the block. I looked at the girl, who just stood there, weakly smiling.

Me: I don't know why I'm helping you with your father.

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