Chapter 13: Nothing Like A Cannibalism Cookout

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I walked out of the house and headed down the street when I felt something on my ear. I took my headphones off and pulled at whatever it was, and looked at it. It was a fish hook.

Me: A fish hook?

???: Hey, Orange~

I turned around and saw someone who I could barely remember. It was an Octoling with the basic armor and pink tentacles. She even wore the same shades as other soldiers.

Me: Who are you?

???: You don't remember me?

Me: If I did, I'd know your name. Unfortunately, I do not remember you.

???: You... don't remember me? I thought a pervert like you would remember Serina.

Me: One, Pervert? And two, No. I can't remember a Serina.

Serina: Well, Mike told me to come get you. They're having a cookout at noon today.

Me: Wait. Serina? The Octoling who stabbed me with a broken bottle?

Serina: You're still holding that against me?

Me: No. I just... remembered that.

Serina: You JUST remembered that? Oh wait. Infinite told me about that.

Me: Yeah.

Serina: Why do you have blood on you?

I looked down at my hoodie. It was stained with blue blood.

Me: I cut myself on something.

Serina: It does seem that way. Now, come on. It starts at noon.

She started walking away from me. I ran up to her and followed next to her.

Me: What starts at noon?

Serina: A little cookout, remember? I just told you this.

Me: Oh. Welp, I forgot so easily.

Serina: I guess a year in the grave did something to you, huh?

Me: It's already been a year? It feels like 11 months.

Serina: Either way, it's the middle of March, so it's been a year and two months.

Me: That long ago?

Serina: Yeah. That's quite a long time.

Me: I can't believe it's been that long since I did that to myself. And to everyone else.

Serina: Believe me. It's felt way longer. Mostly because I've been worrying about Spletzer for a while, Mike and I decided to do IT, and the NSS has officially disbanded because nobody there needs to help with Octavio anymore.

Me: Wait. You and Mike did IT?

Serina: Yeah. I'm actually 9 weeks right now.

Me: Oh my god. Congratulations on it.

Serina: Thank you, Orange. Now, don't go telling anyone about it. I want it to be a surprise.

Me: Sure. Now, who's all going to be there?

Serina: Let's See... Callie, Marie, Mike, us two, Meggy, and Zero.

Me: Zero?

Serina: Infinite.

Me: Okay. Now I'm confused. Is it Infinite or Zero? The values can't be both.

Serina: Well, he's called Infinite by us, but his real name's Zero.

Me: He trusts you with his real name, yet he doesn't tell me it.

Serina: We're close, but we aren't TOO close.

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