Chapter 16: Drinking With The Heroes

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I pushed open the doors and stepped up to the bar. What was kind of strange was that there wasn't any barstools next to the bar. It was one of those stand-up bars, but I didn't care. I held a finger up, and a bottle of booze slid in front of me.

Me: Convenient. Thanks.

I started to drink my bottle down quicker than a gazelle running from a cheetah. Finished and set it down on the counter, and another slid right in front of me.

Me: Hey, uhh... how much for each?

Bartender: 20 rings per bottle. 15 per can. 25 per shot of scotch.

Me: No wine?

Bartender: Unless you want to pay 50 rings, I suggest walk away down to the other bar.

Me: 50 rings for wine?

Bartender: We only give wine bottles. No glasses.

Me: Oh. Okay. I'll keep that in mind.

???: Sonic. Stop drinking so much.

Sonic(clearly drunk): Milzz. I'm vine. I vill. Zeriouzly.

I looked over at them. That blue Hedgehog rocked around in his seat, with the bottle in his hand, clearly blind-drunk. His two tailed fox friend kept trying to hold him still, but he wasn't strong enough for the drunk Hedgehog. I rolled by eyes, leaned my shotgun against the counter, and walked over to them with my beer in my hand.

Tails: Oh, thank my lucky stars. Could you help me with him? He's drunk as a skunk.

Patron: RACIST!!!

Tails: SORRY! Anyways, could you help me with this?

I grabbed Sonic's other arm and the back of his head and pinned him to the table.

Me: This is worse than when I first drank heavily.

Sonic: Vukk Voo.

Me: I'd fuck me too if I weren't straight.

Tails: You understand him?

Me: I've spoken literal German. Drunken slurring is different.

Sonic: Vine. Vine. Ill be gourde. Iv I zzall haze me booze.

Me: You ain't drinking until you stop.

Tails: Where'd you learn to do that?

Me: Eh. I once had to do this to a non-drunk friend, and they put up more of a fight.

Tails: But how, though?

Me: I've seen some crime shows, and I once saw a cop do this to a drunk driver. But pin their head on the car hood.

Tails: That's cool.

Me: It's both a detainment tool and a self-defense tool.

Tails: Well, don't you think you're pushing on him a bit hard?

I released my grip on Sonic, and he sat right back up, rocking around drunk. I grabbed my bottle and swigged from it.

Tails: What's your name? I never seen you here before?

Me: My question is why is an eight year old in a bar? Also, it's Travis.

Tails: Nice to meet you, Travis. Well, this is a bar AND grill. I'm just waiting for my order of wings. And, also, even though that's my canonical age, I'm actually 11.

Me: This is three years after?

Tails: Yep. He's 18.

Me: Good to know. He's legal, but Amy isn't. Believe me when I say I've seen the Internet.

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