Chapter 18: Suspicions and Death

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I tripped over the chair and fell onto the carpet, SOMEHOW coincidentally facing the TV, where a Breaking News update was on. A white rabbit in a brown dress, and a dark brown wolf in a suit and tie were behind a news booth. I stood up and leaned against the wall as Sonic hopped down on the couch.

Wolf: Good Morning, Metropolis. I'm Tom Tucker, alongside me is my assistant, Dianne Simmons. There's only one big thing going on in Metropolis right now, so I'm going to leave Dianne tell the story.

Dianne: Thank you, Tom. Well, late last night, there were two murders not five feet away from each other. Unfortunately, the victims could not be identified by officers, but the autopsies will be taking place on Tuesday. There will be more evidence to be collected, but an eyewitness was able to give Channel 5 News a brief description of the suspect.

A picture of a rough sketch of a wolf popped up on the screen. It looked oddly reminiscent of me, except the muzzle was a bit on the longer side, and the ears were perked up higher than what my ears were.

Tails: Why does that look like you, Travis?

Me: Who in the right mind knows?

Tom: While it seems like that looks like one of our own in the studio, he was questioned, and passed with flying colors. Now, the witness stated that he was a black wolf with gray claws. He was about 5 foot 9, and he was also on the slim side, which our friend here at the station is not.

???: I heard that.

Dianne: All surrounding areas should remain vigilant, and question anyone who seems suspicious. We know it's a bit strange, but we need to take every precaution we have to.

Tom: And now to Ollie Cartman for sports.

I grabbed the remote off the stand next to me and flicked the TV off.

Me: What is this? The Springwood Slasher?

Sonic: Does That thing even exist?

Me: I don't fucking know. I just thought of it on the fly. I don't think it exists.

Tails: Wait. Why did it seem like that sketch was you?

Me: Who knows, Tails? Who knows?

Sonic: I might be jumping the gun here, but... I think that's SUPPOSED to be you, Travis.

Me: No no. That's not me.

Tails: Well, I never noticed this until now, but you're covered in red sauce. I'm starting to think that it's you.

Me: How did you NOT see that?

Tails: S-s-so you're a m-m-murderer?

Me: Well, I'd say I'm doing some good.

I walked over to the door and grabbed my shotgun. I twirled it over my head and looked back at them. Tails was hiding under the coffee table in fear, and Sonic was in a fighting stance.

Sonic: Look, Travis. I need you to calm down.

Me: Calm? I AM calm. I don't know why you're freaking the fuck out. I'm as cool as a fucking cucumber. Why-why-Why are you afraid?

Tails: C-c-could you p-p-please put down y-y-your gun?

Me: S-s-stop s-s-stuttering, and maybe I will.

Sonic: He's scared, alright?

Me: You can't run faster than sound. I'd highly doubt that you'll outrun my slug rounds.

Tails: p-p-please s-s-stop th-threatening us. I'm s-s-scared.

Me: Fear is what keeps us alive, but my slug rounds will make you DEAD.

Sonic ran up to me and tried to punch me in my head, but even though he was fast, I sidestepped and whacked him in the neck with my shotgun stock, dropping him to the floor. I spun my gun around and loaded a slug round and aimed at the blue nuisance. A black aura surrounded me as I could FEEL my eyes change colors and my voice turn raspy.

Me: goodnight, blue nuisance.

Tails: Travis, stop.

I looked over at him. He stood there, his hands out in front of him, like he was going to take my shotgun from me. I aimed it at him, and he held his hands up in surrender, eyes full of fear.

Tails: L-l-Look. V-v-violence isn't the a-a-answer.

Me: It is for what I have to do.

Tails: Wh-What do you have to do?

Me: I have to kill.

Tails: No you don't. It's not right. You don't HAVE to kill.

I knew he was right, but he was only in my way. I fell to my knees and dropped my shotgun. He stepped over to me, which was his mistake. I grabbed him by the throat and pinned him against the wall. He tried struggling from my grip, but he couldn't break free and passed out.

I threw him to the other side of the room and grabbed my shotgun again, aiming it at Sonic.

Me: Goodnight forever, Sonic the Hedgehog.

I pushed the barrel right on his head and pulled the trigger, splattering blood, bone, and brains everywhere. I just smiled like the psychopath I was and walked back over to the two-tailed Fox boy, loading another slug round into the gun.

Me: Goodnight, fox boy.

He stirred about, but he didn't see me. I pushed the barrel against his temple and pulled the trigger again, splattering his brains all over the place.

Me: That's what I call being mind-blown.

I laughed psychotically at my own pun and ran upstairs to grab my camera. It was on the stand closest to the door, and I grabbed it and ran back downstairs to take the pictures. I did so and searched Sonic's pockets. 500 rings, and no ID. I then threw him into the fireplace and lit it, filling the room with a burning corpse smell. I liked the scent, anyways.

Sitting in front of the fire, I pulled the dead Fox over to me and sank my teeth into his arm, ripping a big chunk out of it. Digging into his pockets, I only pulled out 10 rings.

Me: Poor thing. Literally. 10 rings was never enough.

I kept munching on the dead Fox's arm until it was nothing but bone, then threw him into the fire with his Hedgehog friend. I wanted to hear them both scream for mercy, but I couldn't hear it. I guess that's what I deserved for killing them BEFORE throwing them into the fire.

I grabbed the TV remote and fell down onto the couch. I scanned through the channels until I found the Travel Channel, where Ghost Adventures was doing a marathon of their latest season. I made it through probably the first half-hour of Season 23, episode 10, the London Bridge in Lake Havasu, Arizona, when I started both feeling normal and dozing off to sleep. That's when I realized...

Me: I have soo fucking much of a mess to clean up.

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