Chapter 47: How Bad Can A Date Be? (I'll tell you: VERY.)

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Meggy: PLEASE tell me I can at LEAST get myself a beer? Or a glass of wine?

Me: The last thing I'd want you to do is get one, then another, and another, and then fall face-first onto the concrete.

Meggy: You're my designated driver, Jacob.

Me: We aren't even driving. We're just walking to the Nautical Diner to have lunch with each other.

Meggy: So? Pick me up and carry me, bridal-style. Tuck under my arm and limp me home. Hell, if you want me to wrap my arms and legs around you, I will.

Me: Like you are now?

Meggy: Yes. Like how I am, right now, staring into your discolored eyes. My god, have you looked in the fucking mirror yet? You looked like you've been washed up on a beach after sailing the Seven Seas, and being bit by a shark. Jesus, Jacob, at least tidy up your facial features a bit. Ever hear of shaving?

Me: I can use my tail.

Meggy: You really need to learn a bit more about personal hygiene, I swear. Your facial hair is just everywhere.

Me: If it disturbs you THAT much, why don't you bite it off then?

Meggy: I'll bite you where you don't want me to bite.

Me: Kiss my bony ass.

Meggy: I'd rather kiss my dead grandfather than do that.

Me: Go right ahead then. I know you got balls.

Meggy: So do you, fucker. You're not special either.

Me: Oh come on, Meggy. I'm no braver than you.

Meggy: Says the guy that, you know, robbed the jewelry store, and the two banks in Mobius, and killed for me.

Me: Yeah you're right. But still. You've got balls, girl. Lots of them.

Meggy: You have some serious stones to say that.

Me: Okay are we going to go to this place and not argue, or do I need to turn around?

Meggy: No no. Let's keep going. You know, I never even thought of going on a date now until you brought it up. Much less being asked to go on one. So I guess I should say thank you for this opportunity to bond closer with each other.

Me: You're welcome. Now, up here's where Zero told me about this one place he goes to every now and then. A burger joint. Now, I don't know if you're vegetarian or not, but-

Meggy: Bitch please. Do I LOOK like I'm a vegetarian?

Me: Now that you mention it...-

Meggy: Kiss my drunk mouth.

Me: Very poor choice of words, little girl. I'd love to get drunk off your kiss.

Meggy: Hey, how about we make a deal? You don't blow this fucking date, and we'll go back to the apartment and make out for an hour. Sound fun?

Me: Promise me that it would happen if nothing goes wrong?

Meggy: Of course. It's not like anything will go wrong.

Me: Somehow I doubt it will go wrong. I mean, not being pessimistic about it, but it's the first time I've actually been able to spend a bit of time with you.

Meggy: Yeah, and that's the sad part.

Me: What's so sad about two friends, making amends by going out to lunch with each other?

Meggy: A bony skeleton like you, and a drunk like me.

Me: Yeah... but hey, we're here. Don't fuck this up, either one of us.

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