Nothing Left To Cling To

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How am I supposed to tell my people that we're going to die in a few months? That there is no hope. That everything we've done to survive, every path and every life we've taken, the things we've done to create a functioning full life- was all for nothing. And how do I keep chaos from breaking out. How do I keep them from slaughtering each other with recklessness? I look to Clarke on my side, who is now eying up my blackened hand. She doesn't say anything, and I feel as if she's pretending she didn't see it.
Drip drip drip drip. My blood drips from my broken knuckles onto the floor inches away from my feet. 'Not even you can save me.' I think to myself. I stare at the blood pooling on the ground.

"Heda." I turn to the sound of my name. Octavia stands behind Clarke, amongst her tangled hair lay delicate braids.

"Octavia." I welcome her. She stands on the side Clarke doesn't occupy, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. "You're not going in there alone, not without someone by your side. We don't know how they will react." I nod. There's no point in arguing. Not anymore. In a few months we will all be dead. All for nothing.

I breathe in and push open the doors to the throne room. I keep my eyes toward the throne, keeping my stride steady. I refuse to look them in the eyes- I need to be steady and sure. Climbing the steps, I turn and brush aside the silk from the shoulder plate, sitting down. 13 vague eyes stare at me. Octavia stands at my side, her hand still resting on the hilt of her sword, her eyes missing nothing.

"The reign and terror of Allie is over. We are all in pain. We have watched our brothers and sisters, our friends and family, fall to the burden of technology. We have been forced to slaughter each other, our neighbors, our own kins. And now I'm sure you all look for who to blame." My eyes glance to Clarke, choosing my next words wisely. "And many of you turn to skaikru. But, they are what saved us. They delivered us from meaningless control and endless slaughter. They are not to blamed, but to be thanked. The clans have done nothing of support to skaikru, yet they saved you all." I say sternly. I soften my voice and continue. "But that is not why I have summoned you." My eyes scan over them individually.

"I summoned you today to spread a message. Nuclear power plants around our world have began to break down, and are spewing radiation. In 5 months, a death wave will wipe out all of humanity, including us." I raise my voice at the end, trying to speak over the alarmed voices speaking amongst themselves. Raised voices echo into yells and cries of anger. I let them talk for a few moments before I raise my hand, covered in black. The room hushes gradually, and the attention is back on me. Angry, tearful hopeless eyes stare at my dripping bloodied leading hand.

"I call upon you, ambassadors of the 13 clans, to spread the word of our ending days upon your people. Give them comfort and nourish them with all you are. And now I call upon them, to live out their days in peace and love." The whispers return. My chest flares with emotion as I raise my voice. "I call upon the army of the 13 clans, to go back to their homes and families, and find peace and rest in our final days."

I lower my voice, and change into compassion. "And in these mournful days, ai Beja yu daun (I beg of you) to unite as my people, and live in unity. I beg of you, to reflect on our history, our beliefs and our structure, and find comfort in what made us who we are."

I look to Octavia, and motion my eyes to the ground, then back to her. She nods hesitantly. I stand and walk down the steps, Octavia heeding my request and not following. I stop in the walkway in the middle, surrounded by my ambassadors and their curved chairs. I grab my knife from my side, and press the blade down onto my palm, ignoring the screaming pain. My hand opens, black engulfing my palm. My knife clatters to the floor. I walk to the first ambassador, dipping my fingers in the blood.

"And now I ask of you, to be their symbol of leadership, as all the commanders have been to you. Keep prosperity and faith amongst your people, and reflect our legacy." I drag my fingers from the mans forehead down to his brows. I move on to the next ambassador, a frail girl with her blonde hair matted in red blood. I dip my fingers again, and apply the line. I continue going around the circle of chairs. I approach the last one, and I paint the line on Clarke. I stand back and look at my ambassadors, all now marked with my blood.

"And let me serve as a reminder. Any attack against any of the other clans, or against Skaikru is an attack against all of us." I look amongst their faces, not quite seeing them. I inhale. "You are dismissed." I look to Clarke. She nods lightly. I turn away and walk out to the balcony, looking on the ruins of Polis below.

Hey guys it's the author! So sorry for the very short chapter. This is more of wrapping things up. Before I go planning for the whole next book I want to know if people will actually continue to read if I continue the story. Thank you so much for all your support this far and I hope you have enjoyed reading my writing. If you want me to continue please let me know with a vote on this chapter or a comment. Thank you so much. I love you all!

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