Two Against One

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Hey guys! It's the author! I noticed some people were very excited about my last upload (6 hours ago) and I decided to give you back to back chapters in one day! Thank you so much for your support and patience! Happy reading!

"Like hell you are!" Bellamy objects. He crosses over to me and stares me in the eyes. "I won't let you, it's too dangerous, you would be alone." I return the harsh glare, not backing down.

"Someone has to." I counter. "We either do this or we all die. I'm Lexa's blood, I'm the Commander. I am one with the Flame. It is my duty as Heda to save my people, all I have to do is take the chip and find the kill switch. Raven couldn't reach it from Arakida, but I could reach it from inside." My eyes flicker over to Lexa and I correct myself. "Our people." I keep my eyes locked on her, and I yearn to reach out and touch her.

"No, Not you. You won't be doing this. We will find someone else, some other kill switch or code." Hes the first to look away. "There has to be another way."

"Don't you get it?" Gaia interrupts. "There is no other code, we wouldn't be talking about this if there was. She is the last nightblood! There is no one else!" There's a moment of heavy silence.

Murphy stands in the corner, silent. He looks uncomfortable. I understand why, this isn't his element. He didn't sign up for this. His eyes flicker between all of us.

"I agree with Bellamy, you can't go in alone, it's too dangerous." Clarke chides in. I sigh heavily and walk out to the balcony, looking over the ruins of my city. I search, trying to find answers, trying to find a compromise.

"So I won't go alone. you come with me." I propose. Her eyebrows furrow and she looks at me.

"Verena what-?"

"Abby, is it possible to do a blood transfusion?" I turn to her. She nods hesitantly.

"Yes, the people at mount weather did it using our blood."

"Do you think you could do it with Nightblood?"

She hesitates, looking between Clarke and I, not seeming to want to answer. "It's possible."

"So, We do a blood transfusion on Clarke." Bellamy opens his mouth to speak but I quickly shut it down- "using Lexa and my blood. It will be an even distribution. She will take the Flame, and then we will both take the chips. We go in together, find the kill switch."

Clarke looks to me and then slowly turns to her mom.

"Is it possible?" She asks softly. Abby gives a short nod, watching me.

"Yes it's possible."

"Then that's what we're gonna do." Clarke finishes. I inhale and look to my sister, who may never wake up. I watch her chest rise and fall peacefully. I look away. 'I will save your people Sisa. Our people.'

"This is gonna hurt a bit." Abby warns me. I look away from the huge needle and turn my attention to Bellamy, who is in the corner standing with his arms crossed. His eyes meet mine and I smile softly, trying to hide my distaste and worry. He returns the smile, but it doesn't quite meet his eyes. I keep looking around the room, doing anything not to look at the huge thing that is about to go into my arm and drain my blood. It's almost funny, I wasn't afraid of being sliced like the fish in the supermarket during my battle with Titus, but I'm merely scared of a needle. I feel a strange urge to laugh, but I quickly shut it down, reminding myself that there is a sharp evil looking object right by my vein. Bellamy walks towards me and I watch, trying my hardest not to flinch from the sharp pang as she slides the needle directly into my vein. I shudder when she accidentally moves it. "Sorry." I nod and try to distract myself. She conceals the wound using a piece of tape and cloth to secure it. I let my back rest on the throne, tracing the wood with my pinkie.

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