As We Know It

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"Stompa raun Heda." A hand on my shoulder gently shakes me awake. I groan and brush the hand off, digging my face into the sheets. Just five more minutes.

"Heda Verena, wake up, Clarke is giving the speech soon." That's right. The speech.

"Just five more minutes." I mumble.

"We both know that means another hour." I can hear the smile in her voice.

I sigh deeply, my brain still clouded with sleep. I force my body up and into a sitting position, squinting my eyes. Octavia stands, looking down at me from the edge of the bed. My eyes scan over her clothes, she chose to wear her light weighted armor today. Her hair is wrapped in a single braid. She smiles softly at me.

"Is my bed really that comfy?" She asks. I nod, slowly regaining my ability to see normally.

"It seems like I never have time for actual good sleep. There's always something going on, and I usually get woken up by something or someone." I rub my eyes and stretch, yawning.

"Gaia was looking for you, she was worried cause she didn't know where you were." I look to the door.

"Did she say where I could find her?"

"I told her you will find each other before Clarke's speech." I nod, sighing. "Do you want me to do your hair?" I nod and try to smile back.

"That would be very sweet, thank you." I pull my hair to one side and then toss it to the back. She crawls onto the bed behind me, and fluffs my hair in her hands. Her hands work delicately in my hair, careful and precise. The silence between us is comfortable. She's the one to break it.

"If you could get a tattoo on your back, what would you get?" Her question catches me off guard. I think, pondering.

"I'm not sure." I admit. "Something that has to do with Lexa, the commanders, and Trikru. Other then that I'm not so sure." Her hands stop for just a moment.

"A combination of those would be beautiful." I nod, agreeing.

"Yeah, it really would be." I try to envision it, a mix of those three elements. I come up empty. Her hands work back into my hair, and I close my eyes, savoring the peace and quiet that has become so rare.

"All done." Her hands drop from my hair, I turn and smile at her. My hair is in a delicate ponytail, two braids running from my scalp to the ponytail, where the braid falls amongst my hair.

"Thank you Octavia." I smile without effort. She nods and hops off the bed to the couch, chucking clothes at me that hit me right in the face. She smiles, happy with her aim. I can't help but smile as well. How is it that I can feel this fine, this happy when something so dark is coming? Guilt floods my mind. Is it wrong for me to be happy while the end is near and I have no plan for my people? It doesn't seem right.

I snag a piece of clothing she tossed at me and hold it out, they were obviously not mine. I look at the grey sleeveless halter neck shirt, long in length. Black tight pants are in my lap, complete with leather on the kneecaps. I raise my brow and look at her.

"Oh don't even-just throw it on. You'll be cute." I hold her gaze in astonishment.

"Cute?" I eye the clothes again suspiciously. The pants weren't so bad, but a long grey top with no sleeves? Yikes.

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