The First Cut Is The Deepest

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I sit on the cold tile floor; my back leaning up against the backboard at the end of my bed, my eyes closed, indulged in my thoughts and prayers when the sound of the doors opening creaks loudly. I don't even open my eyes to know who it is, I can tell by her footsteps.

"Clarke." I greet her, slowly opening my eyes, blinking a few times as my eyes adjust to the bright streams flooding in through the curtains. She gives me a warm apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted you, I-I can leave."she offers.

"No it's fine I was just finishing up." It's not a lie, I was on my last sentence of my prayer to The Commanders.

She nods and clears her throat.

"I just wanted to tell you that I will be there; when you ascend to Heda."

"Oh, ok." I nod and get up off the floor. I dust off my clothes and look back up at her.

"Verena are you sure?" Clarke asks, worry in her voice.

I stop in my tracks and look at her, my face scrunching up in confusion.

"Sure about what?" I ask.

"Ascending to Heda this quickly." Clarke explains.

I tilt my head and look at her, still confused.

"Why? If anything, I think I should've ascended sooner than today." I pause. "Why? Do you think this is rushed?" I ask confused.

"Well, I was going over the history of the past commanders, and they all waited at least a week and a half before ascension."

"That's because I don't think many were on the verge of a war, they were in one." I suggest.

Clarke nods, admitting she hadn't thought of this yet.

"It's been a week Clarke. I think I'm ready. I know I'm ready. And they need someone to lead them."

Clarke nods and looks down at her feet.

"Today is the day Clarke, I feel it." I say softly, reaching my hand out to her.

Clarke nods and looks at me.

"If that's what you believe, I trust you, Rena."
She gives me a small smile. I smile softly back.

Three knocks on the door interrupt us.

"Sha?" I respond.

The guard opens the door and steps in, bowing before he meets my eyes.

"It's time."

I stand, once again before her mirror, the same one she looked into when she got ready to ascend. I do that now, examining the delicate braids that cross through my hair, weaving in and around each other. No warpaint today. When commanders ascend, it is tradition or almost unspoken rule that no commander wears warpaint, for when you ascend you become something greater, a better part of yourself.

I hope that's true.

I take a deep breath and exit my room, walk to the staircase, and begin to walk up to the highest level. I get to the floor and walk down a hall, and I wait outside the guarded closed door, knowing the process of ascension. I hear Gaia, Indra's daughter, the new official flame-keeper begin, her voice calm but strong.

"Auda riskines, Fleimon-de kigon. Medo gyon klin, ba Keryon ste yuj. (Through the dark, the Flame lives on. The body passes, but the Spirit is strong.)"

"Hofli keryon na sad in briyon. (May the spirit chose wisely)" The ambassadors pray aloud.

"Keryon kom heda don sad in. (The spirit of the commanders has chosen)"

I take a deep breath and focus, listening.

"Teik Heda Na Gyon Op. (let the commander ascend.)" Gaia announces loudly, giving us the cue.

The guards nod and open the doors at the same time, and the sun shines through the door onto me, as if welcoming me. My eyes take a second to adjust to the scene in front of me.

Ambassadors are all gathered around a large stone bowl with white sand in it, a black thin stand holding the flame in the middle, the new flame keeper waiting.

I walk carefully and centered as I patter over to the bowl, where Gaia is waiting. She looks at me and nods, as if she's asking me if I'm ready. There's no turning back now, and I know she sees that in my eyes.

Gaia takes my hand and holds it over the flame, drawing a knife from her belt and hovering it above my palm. She then brings the sharp blade down and presses down, the blade cutting my hand slowly and deep. I try not to wince as the pain shoots through my hand, burning and crying out. She holds her hand on the outside of mine as she folds my hand into a fist, a river of black dripping onto the flame and the sand around it, staining it.

"De jus kom Heda, Laik yu jus. (The blood of the commanders is your blood)" Gaia tells me softly but firmly. She lets go of my hand and I step back, ignoring the screaming pain from my hand.

"Hofli keryon na sad in briyon. (May the spirit chose wisely)" The ambassadors repeat, firmer this time than the last.

Gaia dips pointer finger in the sand covered in black, and raises it to my forehead, drawing a line from the top of my forehead to above the arch of my brows.

"Hofli keryon kom Heda na shoun ai op. (May the spirit of the commanders guide me)" I pray. Gaia nods.

I turn and kneel down, and I feel Gaia's fingers part and brush my hair aside, leaving my neck exposed. I inhale, preparing myself for the pain.

"Ascende superius." Gaia whispers. Immediately in response The Flame comes alive, and I hear the whispering and sounds coming from it as it searches.

I look around the room and my eyes land on Clarke, looking worried.

Before I can give her a reassuring smile, the Flame dives into my neck, the pain unbearable. I resist the urge to scream as the Flame digs deeper and deeper down, attaching itself to my nerves one by one. Adjusting itself and moving, making room for itself.

I grit my teeth as hard as I can, refusing to let even a whimper break out as it settles.

Then the world goes black.

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