I'm Alright-I'm Only Bleeding

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The rover growls almost in anger as the bay doors open slowly, not fast enough. The sun slowly peels through the opening doors, drawing a crowd of people. We run to the vehicle, weapons drawn. I stop a way back, taking cover behind a pillar as the rest move closer. I wasn't thinking, I'm unarmed. My gun is in Octavia's quarters. Bellamy raises his gun, his finger on the trigger, ready to fire.

"Come out of the vehicle now." Bellamy aims his gun at the drivers side of the vehicle, Clarke following his lead. The rover stops, the engine cutting. Clarke rushes up to the rover, her hand motioning for Bellamy to follow behind. She swings the door open, a familiar face inside.

"Monty what the hell are you doing?" Raven exclaims. Monty sits in the seat, his hands now up in the air by his head. Bellamy and Clarke lower their guns at once, a sharp huff escaping from Bellamy's lips. I step out from behind the pillar, walking up to the group.

"I need to make uh, a run." He stutters.

"All supply runs go through me, and shouldn't you be working?" Raven growls.

"The patch for the ship that will only save 100 people?" Monty snaps back.

"Keep your voice down." Clarke hushes, looking around at the people standing by, watching. "You know we don't have a choice." Clarke sighs.

"What if you do? What if I told you there is a fallout shelter less then a day's drive from here, a fallout shelter that was built to sustain thousands people?" Monty looks at the ground while he speaks, avoiding our gaze.

"We've been through the chancellors files. All the bunkers Jaha considered for the 100 were listed as compromised or unviable, and now Mount Weather is too." Raven crosses her arms.

"Those we're government bunkers." Monty leans into the rover, digging on the passenger side before turning back to us, swiftly hoping out of the rover. He hands Raven a small, cracked tablet, a large amount of words on the screen.

"What is that?" I ask.

"It's a news article." Raven answers. She swipes down and the words move with the motion. I still don't quite understand what it is, but I know it has words and can move. That's good enough for me.

Bellamy takes the tablet from Raven's hands, reading and swiping on it himself.

"A doomsday cult?" Bellamy asks in disbelief.

"The second dawn." He looks to Clarke.

There are so many words I don't understand. What does doomsday mean? I know what a cult is, or at least I think I do.

"They built a bunker?" Clarke steps in, taking the tablet from Bellamy's outreached hand.

"Their whole theology was based on riding out the end of the world." Monty nods, almost as if he thought it was obvious. Clarke looks to me, offering the tablet to me. I shake my head and push it away. I'm confused enough.

"I think I found it. But I can't be sure until we check it out. Hence the rover." Monty nods behind him at the big hunk of metal with wheels. Clarke turns to Bellamy, a loud sigh coming from Raven.

"Oh no don't even think about it. We need the rover for hauling things around, you can't just take it for-"

"If he's right, we won't need to repair the ship."

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