I Saw Her Standing There

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Clarke stops seizing and my fingers fly to the artery on her neck, finding a weak pulse. I sigh sadly, but a part of me is glad that she is still unconscious. That she doesn't have to bare the pain. I pray to whatever commander that is listening that she doesn't wake up when they attack. Footsteps draw closer and my muscles tense up, waiting for the glorified pain of their kicks, their punches. I wait for the end to come, the slow pain that would lead to my death.

I wait. But it doesn't come.

I hear the familiar metal swish of a object cutting through the air followed by groans and grunts of what could only be people. I hear heavy objects fall to the ground. Warm liquid flies and lands on my cheek. I gently swipe it, examining the warm blood on my finger that obviously isn't mine. I stare confused at the red, and tilt my head slightly to examine the stairs I crouch on, a jolt of shock when I see the various red splatters scattered about, more still flying. I look up through my clouded vision and see the back of what appears to be a tall slim feminine figure. I force my eyes to refocus, and when they do, I don't believe what I see.

I can't decide what was the dead giveaway, the complicated hair, braided and styled with care from talented fingers, the familiar worn out armor and coverings, or the way her feet and body move in similar coordination to mine.

Her green eyes meet mine from beneath the black warpaint and the corners of her mouth turn up into a grin, the very one I had idolized in my memory. The one I so selfishly prayed to see again.

"Lexa." I breathe. My heart aches. I don't believe my eyes. My eyes blur and refocus. 'Am I dead?' I ask myself. I inhale softly and I listen to my ragged painful breaths. The agony covering every inch of my body tells me otherwise. If I was dead, I wouldn't be in any pain. Disbelief courses through my veins. My eyes lock with hers once more. I watch the rise and fall of her chest. she's really here. Her familiar eyes lock onto mine and I gather all my strength and desperately push myself up off my side, still cradling an unconscious Clarke in my arms. My sisters eyes flicker from me to Clarke, her face contorting to worry. My eyes track a swift movement behind Lexa, and I release a loud wail that burns my throat.

"Lexa, behind you!" Her eyes shift and I watch her expression quickly harden, her grip on her sword regained. She spins swiftly, throwing out her leg, knocking an attacker off his feet and onto the ground, promptly ending his life with a simple calculated stab in the chest with her sword. Another man approaches and I watch as she swings the swords around, promptly taking down many more who try to attack. She turns back to me, blood splattered on her face and swords.

She hustles to me, sheathing her swords in her back. She crouches down and hugs me tightly, adjusting her grip to draw me in closer. I release one of my hands from Clarke and return the tight grip, and I battle the tears that threaten to spill over. I inhale heavily and I breathe in her, the familiar fragrance fills my mind and my heart threatens to shatter. It's really her. She's really here. I'm not dreaming.

"I never thought I would see you again." My voice trembles. She pulls back from the hug and cradles my face in her hands, smiling softly. Her eyes are glossy, and for once, she's not trying to push back her emotions. She wipes the blood from around my mouth off with her sleeve, and she brushes my hair back delicately.

"I told you we would meet again." Her thumb strokes my cheek. I hug her tightly once more, not wanting to let go. When I finally build up the courage to release her, she turns her worried gaze to Clarke, who is still unconscious.

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