Your Gonna Need Someone Else On Your Side

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"Heda." A soft familiar voice reaches to me through my dream. A hand rests on my shoulder, the same one that shook me awake.

My eyes flutter open, squinting against the light. The hand softly squeezes me, encouraging me to wake. I carefully lean upright off of Adria's cot, a large yawn forcing its way out. Nyko sits in the corner, his arms crossed in front of him, asleep. I turn to Gaia.

"We need to talk." She whispers. I nod and force my joints to move and stand, gently pushing the chair away from the edge of the bed. I follow Gaia as she turns and walks out of the empty medbay.

She leads me down the maze of hallways, and to Octavia and my shared room. She peaks inside, and upon seeing it empty, I follow her in.

I plop on the bed, Gaia sitting next to me with more care. We sit in silence for a while. I wait for her to speak.

"We need to talk about Adria, and you." I sigh, knowing this was coming eventually. "You're not the last Nightblood like we thought. We need to protect her. Protect the legacy of the commanders." I turn to look at her, and I am met with her pleading eyes. I tear myself away from her gaze. "Shes young, it's not too late to begin training her and raising her to fufill her purpose." I stay silent, trying to collect my words carefully.

"Em fig raun oso jus na kep em klin. (they think our blood can save them.)" I lower my voice. I keep my eyes off of her, a part of me afraid to see her reaction. I decide to continue. "Shes rejecting the radiation on her own. They want to run tests on us."

"We need to protect her now more then ever. If they think your blood can save them all, that makes you, and especially her, a target." She cuts off sharply. "That includes Lexa too."

"Clarke won't hurt us. Or Abby." I snap.

"But their people might. If, or when they find out there may be a cure, especially one that was withheld from them." Her hand grabs mine and holds it in hers, squeezing tightly. Her desperate eyes demand mine. "What is happening to Adria is making her stronger. We need to harness that and use it to teach her." I grind my teeth together, my nails digging into my palm as I ball my fist that isn't in her hand.

"She is a child. I was a child when this life was given to me. She doesn't need to be stronger. She needs to be safe." I hiss sharply. "And I will ensure that before teaching her of the legacy I uphold." Gaia nods.

"I'm sorry Heda, I didn't mean to upset you." Her voice almost trembles. I sigh.

"I know. You mean well, Seda. (Teacher)"

I squeeze her hand back, and when she leaves, I continue to sit, thinking of Adria and Lexa.


Swords don't scare me. Not at all. If anything it's more of an extension of me at this point. I've grown accustomed to Skaikru's guns. Arrows are mediocre. They're only scary when the tips are dripping in black, a poison dipped arrow will make you drop dead within minutes.

What I am scared of? Needles. It's not comforting to think of the one that was imbedded in my arm a few hours ago.

I had Jackson wrap the tube to my arm tightly- a incentive not to move it around more then necessary. Taking the tube out of my arm was the most uncomfortable part. My arm is now bandaged and free of needles. I was instructed to stay in the medbay for a while longer and drink fluids to help replenish my body after giving so much blood.

I Am The Last Nightblood (the 100)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora