Can't Fight Biology

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Clarke POV
The ride home was quiet, the disappointment thick in the air. Suffocating.

All those people dead. The image of all those small skeletons of the children clinging to their mothers are stuck infront of my eyes. I can't imagine how terrified they were. How scared everyone in that bunker when the radiation started seeping in. How agonizing it was to be stuck in the room with sick dying people, and not being able to escape. The stench. Watching your loved ones die and knowing your next.

That will be us soon if we don't fix what remains of the Ark.

I look outside the window at the landscape under the moon, trying to make out figures in the night. I can vaguely see the hills, and the outline of trees. The moon doesn't provide enough light.

There are no words to say after what we just saw. No one can form coherent words after seeing that room. I close my eyes and attempt to sleep in between the rough bumps. But when sleep comes, I'm in that bunker with them. I'm there when the radiation seeps in, slow and dreadful. I'm the last one alive. I watch everyone else die before me, a child's eyes staring into mine, seeming to mock me.

We continue driving, arriving back to Arkadia as the sun rises over the hills.

Bellamy parks the Rover in the bay, slamming the door shut harder then necessary. Monty's lips are shut tight as he exits the rover and sulks away, his eyes on the ground. He disappears into the halls without saying a word.

Raven wobbles over to us, her face dropping as she reads our expressions.

"You didn't find it, did you?" She asks.

"We did." I inhale deeply, trying hard not to think of the people in that room. "But it's not viable. Radiation seeped in and killed them all. It's not an option." Raven sighs, shaking their head.

"Well then let's get back to work." Her voice is solid as she turns away and walks back to her station, leaving Bellamy and I alone.

"It was worth a shot. We knew it was risky." I don't look at him.

"I tried not to let myself have hope." I admit. But of course I did. I had to. We had to try.

Verena's POV

I wake up by a warm body crawling under the covers next to me. My muscles tense up, ready to spring.

"It's just me." Octavia whispers. I relax my body, nudging back into my pillow, letting out a huff.

"Are they back yet?" I roll over onto my back, keeping my hands over my eyes, blocking out the light.

"Yes they're back. The bunker isn't an option, it was irradiated."

A heavy feeling plunders deep inside of me, filling my core. Hot, fresh disappointment and shame rushes through me violently. How could I be so stupid. Nothing ever comes so easy.

Octavia sighs. "It was worth a shot."

I nod and keep my eyes off of hers.

"Yeah, it was."

The door slams open, Clarke on the other side. Her chest rises heavily, and she coughs, sweat dripping down her face.

"Clarke?" I ask alarmed.

"It's Adria." She huffs out. I look to Octavia and spring out from underneath the covers and out of the room, my bare feet slamming against the ground.

My mind plummets and spirals, thinking the worst. Dead, paralyzed, dying. Images of her flash through my mind, none of them good.

How stupid it was of me to not stay there with her. To not watch over her. To not be an extra helping hand if they needed it. How stupid I was.

I turn the corner and my eyes frantically search, finally landing on her small fragile figure. Her eyes are closed, the rise and fall of her chest even and slow. I look to Jackson and Abby.

"What's wrong with her? What's going on?" The desperation in my voice rings out clear. My heart pounds in my ears.

"Take a step closer. Look at her." A warning rings in my head. I hesitantly obey, scanning her face and exposed arms. I search for more less ions, for more wounds, for blood. Anything.

It hits me like a train. Her arms that were swollen and inflamed yesterday are a even color. The burns of radiation have healed impossibly fast. The open wounds and burns that bubbled on her skin has reduced to skin irritation. Her face is no longer flushed with a dark red inflicted from fever. I turn to them, mixed emotions pulsing through my body.

"What did you do?" I take a step closer to him. My eyes flicker back to her.

Did they experiment on her without my permission? Did they give her meds without running it by me or the others for approval? A surge of unjustified anger bubbles up inside me. My eyes focus back on him, and I take another step towards him. He moved his foot back with my advancement, his palms to me.

"Nothing. We didn't treat her." Abby speaks up. I look to her and Jackson, confusion in place of the anger I felt. I now notice Nyko in the corner, observing, oddly calm.

"Her fever is down, and her lesions are healing on their own." Clarke speaks up from behind me. I turn to look at her over my shoulder, and back to Abby and Jackson. I sit beside Adria's bed, examining her face. Words swirl in my mind, half of them improper.

"How." I demand. I keep my eyes focused on her, trying to level my emotions.

"There is one variable. There's only one thing that separates Adria from the others." Clarke walks past Abby and to the other side of Adria's cot. "The same thing that separates you from us." It hits me like a gush of sharp wind, seeming to knock the air out of my lungs. The pieces click together in my head.

"Nightblood." I murmur. My eyes look to Clarke. "She has Nightblood."

"Her body is rejecting the radiation on its own."

"But the others.." I trail off.

"Two of them died this morning. The other remaining isn't doing too good. No one else has, or will recover." Abby steps behind Clarke, her hand on her shoulder.

"Nightblood." Clarke breathes. Her eyes meet mine, a strong determination in them. "From the ashes we will rise."

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