Something To Talk About

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"Like hell you are!" Bellamy argues.

"Raven said Allie is after the flame." I reason.

"Do you even know what happens if you take the flame out if the host is alive?" Bellamy challenges.

I look to Gaia and she shakes her head.

"No, it's never been done."

"Then we're not doing it." Bellamy crosses his arms. "And if you take it out your giving it to her! She doesn't know Verena has it."

"She knows that we know that the second AI can stop her."

I pace back and forth.

"Do you know anything Verena? Anything that doesn't seem normal?"

"My entire life isn't normal if you haven't noticed, and it's been a lot worse since you guys dropped your ship thing from the skyZ I can't even begin to process this!"

"Guys we have to leave." Jasper interrupts. "They're here."

We barely made it out. But we did. Hooray?

"Becca's journal is amazing! At 26 she found a pathway to access a human mind! That same year, she had to lock up A.L.I.E. because her answer for what was wrong with the world was too many people. She was 27 when it launched the bombs." Raven pours over the pages.

The rover bounces as we drive.

"What did she write about the Flame?" Clarke asks.

"A.L.I.E. 2.0. She saw it as a way to atone for her sins. She designed it to not just access a human mind but to merge with one. It could never wipe us out because it would be one of us. She would put it in herself first, altered her genes so her body wouldn't reject the implant."

"Bekka Pramheda, the first Commander. The gene therapy made her blood black, didn't it?"

"Yep, and somehow it became hereditary." Raven flips pages.

"So you guys are tossing around a bunch of big words. What I understand is that my blood is black because Becca altered something in her weird human code that has to do with DNA and creation or whatever and it became hereditary?" I try to piece together what they are saying to the best of my knowledge, but they're throwing around a bunch of unusual words and terms I have no meaning for.

"Pretty much."

"We need Lincoln's book." Clarke looks at Octavia. She nods and looks away.

By the time we get back to Arkadia, the sun is peaking over the hills, spilling over the earth.

"We left two days ago; how come no one has fixed the gate?" Clarke wonders.

"Maybe because there's no one here to fix it." Jasper suggests snarkily. Clarke says nothing in response. We walk in silence, and I have to cover my eyes to see the whole structure.

Octavia notices a shallow hole, the water stained with blood and she stops in her tracks. She stares and we all slow down, but no one says anything.

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