Knocking On Heavens Door

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  Hey guys, a few warnings for this one, there is a lot of graphic detail; it's a fight scene. So if you don't like fight scenes skip this but otherwise there is mentions of blood, beheading and etc. hope you enjoy!

I sit in Lexa's room, looking around. This might be the last time I'm here. I look at the candles, the bed, the furs, and the walls, applying it to memory.

I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of the world, the world that I may rule if I win. I look at myself in the mirror, and take the box with the skull on it, open it and take the flame out gently, looking at it and place it to my forehead, praying. They remover the spirit of the commanders shortly after Lexa was put under in the coma. I put it back and pick up the symbol of the commanders, praying and putting it back, closing the lid and wrap the orange cloth around it securely and setting it in the dresser, next to her and my shoulder plates.
The doors open and I see Clarke, her face is expressionless but I can see the fear she hides in her eyes. She walks over to me and looks at anything but me.

"I'll be there to watch, but I just wanted to say goodbye, in case-" I cut her off with a hug, and she hesitantly hugs me back, choking when she does.

"Ste Klir." I tell her. (Stay safe)

"I will." She replys, her voice cracking. I give her a smile and I embrace her again, not wanting to let go for minutes, until the doors open.

"Heda, Taim don kom op." (Heda its time)

"No please let me say goodbye I need more time!" Clarke pleads.

"This is not goodbye. We will meet again." I assure her.

"Heda." The guard calls again

I walk out, stopping and glancing back to see the room one last time. I look at the fur on the bed and the dresser which holds the flame and
"Hofli keryon kom heda na sad ai op." I whisper.
(May the spirt of the commander choose me)

Drums bang loudly, the beat vibrating through my body. It's crowded, everyone wants to watch this, it's history. Titus and I stand side by side in front of the stage, and I see the ambassadors watching silently behind Gaia,
Indra's daughter, the new flame keeper.

The sun beats down on us and I take it all in, wondering what Lexa felt like in her conclave.

Guess I'm about to find out.

"Hashta soulou gonplei, Bilaik won hedon noumou, du souda wan op deyon!"
(In single combat there is but one rule, someone must die today!) Gaia shouts, loud enough that the whole crowd of Polis May hear.

"We honor those who fall by the sword, but follow the one who wields it best." Gaia finishes, taking a deep breath.

"Yo na jomp In"
(You May begin)

The guards hold the weapons and I walk up to the guard, who holds out Lexa's sword. I pull out her blade and the crowd cheers loudly, urging me on. There is another cheer, less loud and I know he must have drawn his sword too.
He charges towards me as my back is turned.

At last second I turn and wield the sword, blocking his, and I do a quick maneuver and I shift behind him, cutting his side in the process. The crowd gasps and watches eagerly.

Adrenaline runs through my veins. He turns his back and this time I make the first move. I slash down and up which he blocks and I twirl and strike his sword again, not flesh. Our swords clang as they form an X shape, and were caught in a power struggle. I kick his knee hard and his force loosens up enough giving me time to escape.

I shift into a fighting position and he gets into a fighting stance, and then the real dance begins as he charges, his sword glistening in the sunlight. He swings and I duck, hearing the sword whiz above my head. He swings once more and my sword meets his. He kicks me in the back of my knee and I fall, dropping my sword which he kicks away. I use all my might as I elbow him in the knee and he falls and drops his sword too. My elbow aches but I ignore it.

I get up quickly and snatch both of our swords, twirling them in unison, wielding one above my head and one by my thigh. He scrambles and knocks out a guard, grabbing his knife and spear, spinning it around him. I walk closer to him and do a maneuver of my own, spinning both swords again. He lunges at me with the spear and my body twists and moves automatically, dodging slashes and stabs from the spear. I don't even have to think about it.
I lunge towards him, a battle cry escaping my lips with sword held high and try to strike him which he blocks with the spear. I don't even think about my next move. It's a dance I learned as a child.

I twirl and attack him again to no avail and spin again and attack, forming an X with both my blades his spear in the middle. He lifts the spear up and knocks one sword from my hand, and then the other. He kicks me in the chest and I fly backwards, letting out a huff as I land on my back on the concrete.

I force my eyes open and am blinded by the bright sun. My eyes adjust and I realize I'm facing the tower. Even from here I could see the balcony of the Commander's quarters, where Lexa is. A surge of adrenaline goes through me.

He walks towards me with the spear and raises it above his head, aiming for the final strike. I lay there and just as he begins to bring it down I roll left, throw my legs around in a half circle, kicking him in the knee and he staggers before he falls. The spear falls with him and I grab it, wielding it. As he gets up I swing it around my head and then at him, slicing his side again, causing him to buckle to the ground
momentarily. He grabs the knife in his pocket and I hit him in the neck with the shaft of the spear, knocking the wind out of him and he coughs gasping for air, dropping the knife in the process.

I step on the hilt of the knife as he dives for it, and it flies up in the air high enough for me to snatch it and toss it away. He gets up and sprints to the area where the swords are and I know it's now or never. I look and see the spear laying at my feet and in moments it's in my hand, aimed for him.

"May the spirit of the commanders guide my hand." I pray out loud as I throw the spear at him as he bends down to grab the swords. He turns around towards the sound of my voice and the spear finds a home in his abdomen. He falls to his knees, blood spilling out of his mouth and I grab the swords, forming an X, both the swords pressed up against his neck, my own hands crossing in the x formation.
"Yu gonplei ste odon, Fragheda!" (Your fight is over, Commander killer!) I yell. I swipe my hands outwards and the swords cut his neck off his head. Blood flies around me, staining the ground where it falls and I know I'm bathed in it literally and figuratively. His eyes roll to the back of his head before his body crumples to the ground in a mess of blood.

"Blood must have blood; and his body bleeds!" I yell, raising my sword above my head. The crowd cheers loudly and I look over to Clarke to see her smiling slightly, and I smirk at her, turning my attention back to Gaia.

"Verena kom trikru, heir to Becca Pramheda, successor to Lexa kom trikru, is victorious"
Loud cheers erupt and whispers begin to get louder.

"Jus Drein, jus draun" echos through the air. I join in, looking around at everyone cheering for me. I take a deep breath in, and let it out.
I look up at the balcony and smile.

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