Fear ( of the unkown)

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Clarke paces restlessly around the room. I watch her, twirling my knife around my fingers, tossing it occasionally. She's driving herself crazy, worrying too much. Overthinking. All new leaders do. Her brows are furrowed and her breathing is quick. She depriving herself, beating herself up over what she could have done or should've.

On the outside she looks like normal Clarke. Always worrying, considering all options, careful, her kind self. But inside I know she's numb. Her eyes flicker with worry and her bouncing foot tells another story.

Our heads snap up toward the sound of footsteps outside, the twigs and leaves snapping and crunching. I stop twirling my knife and grip it tightly. We all hold our breath, alert.

We relax when Monty and Octavia walk through the door, but all tense when we observe their condition. Monty's face is stained full of tears, and Octavia, covered in dark thick blood.

"What the hell happened?" I ask her.

"I will explain later." She walks past me, the EMP in her hands.

"We got it!" Octavia announces.

"Let's go we don't have much time!" Sinclair yells. We all follow behind them into the room. Raven's eyes narrow as she sees the EMP. Sinclair takes it from Octavia and places it on the bed. "All we have to do is connect her." His hands work quickly, prepping the device. Out of nowhere, Raven starts thrashing violently, screaming, trying to free herself as Sinclair tries to lock the device around her neck. She suddenly starts banging her head harshly on the metal headboard.

"shes trying to kill herself." Bellamy realizes. Clarke's eyes go wide and she jumps into action.

"Raven stop!" She yells. She tries to hold onto her, but Allie is too strong. Each bang is harsher than the last. An idea pops into my head. I turn my eyes searching for Gaia.

"Gaia, your necklace." I whisper. Her brows furrow in confusion as she digs the copy of the flame out of her necklace and hands it to me. I hold it in my fingers, walking to the end of the bed.

"Stop, And you'll get this!" I hold up the flame. All eyes turn to me, including Raven's. Her hateful glare is locked on the Flame, and after a few seconds, her body slumps, defeated. Allie may be smart, but not smart enough. Apparently it hasn't clicked that in order for me to be commander, I have the flame in my head. I resist the urge to smirk. My eyes meet Bellamy's and I give a short nod. Bellamy quickly snaps the bracelet to her arm with a loud click. Her eyes grow wide and she begins to thrash again and scream, pulling towards me. I calmly hand the pendant back to Gaia, who sets it on the table behind her.

"You lied! You lied!" She struggles against the restraints. Her expression changes as she realizes everything is hooked up and she looks up to Sinclair, begging. Tears fill her eyes and spill down he cheeks on cue. "No! Please no! The EMP will give me brain damage! It will fry my brain! You know it will! Please!" She begs. Tears stream from her eyes and she breathes heavily almost panting. Sinclair's eyes reflect the hurt he desperately tries to hide.

"Do it, don't listen to her." Octavia presses. Her tone is stern but soft. I can see how Indra knew she was fit to be a warrior.

"Sinclair, it's not her. And this is the only way we can get her back." I reassure him softly.

"Sinclair stop! Please." She cries. He pauses but Bellamy whispers in his ear. They hold each other's gaze, and then Sinclair presses the button. Raven screams and her eyes roll back to her head, her body convulsing before slumping. We all watch, holding our breath. Seconds pass and the anxiety in the room grows.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Gaia asks worried.

Clarke reaches to Raven's neck, searching for a vein. She finds it and pushes her fingers in, moving frantically after a few seconds.

"Her pulse is too weak." Her eyes focus and she blocks out everything around her, her full attention on Raven. She takes after her mother, a strong healer, who isn't only interested in getting a job done, but one who enjoys it.

Out of the corner of my eye I see swift movement, and I whip around to see Jasper swipe the Flame from behind Gaia. He picks up a hammer and raises it above his head, his eyes locked on the copy of the flame.

"No you can't!" Gaia cries out. Clarke whips around, her eyes widen and her body tenses.

"She's never gonna get this!" He yells.

"No stop! We need it!" Clarke yells. "For Allie!" Everyone stops, and Jasper freezes and she looks to me.

"Verena is Commander, she has ascended." Clarke holds my gaze. "But we could use the copy, as leverage. Allie doesn't know that Verena has the spirt of the commander's, she doesn't know Verena has and is one with the flame." She reasons. We all hold our breath, and jaspers gaze reaches me.

"Please." Gaia pleads softly.

Jasper's hand shakes, the hammer trembling. He studies my face carefully, and I see the hardness fade from his eyes, replaced by the familiar soft broken ones. He tosses the hammer away and stomps out of the room, leaving us in a short silence.

"What do we do?" Sinclair asks.

"The Spirit and the chip were made by the same person; Becca Pramheda, so they must work similarly." She suggests. Clarke nods, and she begins to pace.

"They both tap into human consciousness." Sinclair clarifies.

"So your saying...?" Bellamy trails off. His eyes meet mine. Gaia opens her mouth to speak, but I promptly cut her off.

"Remove whatever is left of the chip, like you remove the spirit from the deceased commander, we have to cut her neck open." I finish. Several pairs of eyes flicker to me, studying me.

Gaia nods and my eyes land on Raven's slumped unconscious body.

"Let's begin."

Hey guys sorry this one is really short, I'm on winter break and I'm struggling in school so uploads are gonna be slow. Thank you so much for reading!

I Am The Last Nightblood (the 100)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon