Chemical Reaction

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The walk to the ship was tense to say the least. A part of me is sure things would have gone worse if it weren't for me being there, and a part of me doesn't want to believe it. I love my people, but I know their hatred for Skaikru runs deep. Harper and Monty walk on each side of me, their guns pointed at the ground, safety off.

I understand tensions between the sky people and the ice nation are tense, but I don't think they're so tense that the ice nation would kill their own commander because they march with skaikru. I'm sure they have opinions on me traveling with skaikru, and I'm sure the majority of them are negative. Skaikru is as much as my people as any other clan is. I wish they could all see that. But would Azgeda have killed or harmed them if not for me? I consider for a second. Azgeda has been known for being hostile of some sorts, but Roan wouldn't do that. Roan wouldn't slaughter a group without intending to start a war by breaking the coalition. Besides, him and I are friends. His mom on the other hand.... To put it nicely, his mother (ice nations fallen queen) was a bitch.

The metal groans in protest to the uneven ground. The structure seems to sway with each whisp of the wind, casting a large shadow on the land. The snow crunches underneath our boots. I try to pinpoint skaikru behind me using the sound of their footsteps. I am aware that Monty and Harper must be behind me, as I hear three pairs of footsteps following close to me. So Monty, Harper and a Azgedian guard. We grow closer to the looming metal, close enough where the two guards at the door become audible.

"In laik Heda! Chil daun!( It's the commander! Stand down!)" The well clothed Azgeda guard turns to the other. "Gyon chich de haihefa, de Heda laik hir! (go tell the king, the commander is here!)" The other man nods and disappears behind the door. We approach the door, the guard's attention on me. He placed his sword on the ground, and falls to his knees, his head down. "Ai heda, ai moba, beja wigod op ai. (My commander, I'm sorry, please forgive me. We would never welcome the commander in such a way)" I look to him kneeling before me, a surge of unease running through me. Would they think I would punish them for protecting their king on their territory?

"Ogeda laik wigod. Ai gochuplei yu wichnes. (All is forgiven, I respect your loyalty.)" He stands and bows his head. He motions for us to enter, and I lead.

Somehow, the ship is equipped with power. The lights on the walls are dim, but bright enough to offer sufficient light. The guard leads us down a hallway, a familiar face walking towards us. The footsteps behind me falter as I continue. We meet in the middle, and I clutch his outreached arm tightly.

"Roan, in ste bos gon yu ai op nodotaim. (Roan, it is good to see you again.)" He grasps my forearm tightly, a small smile playing on his lips. He genuinely looked surprised.

"Heda, what a surprise."

"I give my condolences for what happened with your mother, her death was never intended." He nods.

"Her reign was over the moment she over-stepped, and broke the coalition. There is nothing to apologize for." He looks over my shoulder to my friends waiting behind me. "What brings the commander and Skaikru to Azgeda?"

"A resource within this ship somewhere. They need for their camp."

"And they bring the commander as safety?" A voice snickers behind me.

"I offer safe passage, and I need to speak to your king." I keep my voice even.

"Let them pass, and lead them to where they must go." Roan excuses them. I look over my shoulder to my friends, Bellamy's eyes catching mine. I shift my head up, and give a small nod. They turn away and walk with the guards.

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