Break On Through

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Something is wrong. That's my first thought.

I feel perfectly fine, I'm okay. Like nothing changed. Nothing hurts and I'm not in pain. I groggily open my eyes. It's dark: pitch black. There is no sound, no footsteps. Something is definitely wrong. I slowly raise myself up and off the table, and I'm pulled down by a heavy force.

"Stay quiet." He holds my arm tightly.

"Bellamy?" I can see a silhouette, an outline of a person.

"Something happened to them; the power cut out in the east wing, Raven and the others are gone. The power cut off almost an hour after Clarke took the chip out." He whispers.

"Where is Clarke?"

"I don't know. The radio is silent, we need to go find them. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah." Total lie, I feel the world slipping. I know I'm not moving but the world around me is.

"You sure?"


I get up and I have to hold onto him for support. He sighs and slowly lowers me down.

"You shouldn't go."

"I don't care, I have to go." I force myself away from him and on my feet. The world has stopped spinning, so thats a start. He turns on a flashlight and shines it around.

"What about the flame?" I ask worried.

"Raven did it, Clarke has one, I have the other." He holds up the Flame. He holds it out to me and I take it, feeling it between my fingers. "It's the original, the same one you had in." I nod.

"What are we gonna do?" He asks me.

"We go find them."

We walk quietly through the dark corridors, alert. I observe every sound, every shadow. Thankfully Bellamy knows my hand signals, and he listens to them carefully. He walks in front of me, waving his gun as approach a corner or wedge, checking. I hear a echoing scream in the distance and I know it anywhere. It's Clarke.

"Clarke!" Bellamy calls. He raises his gun and I clutch my knife tightly.

Heavy footsteps and coughing grow closer. A shadow emerges from the corner, stumbling while coughing repeatedly.

"Bellamy? Verena?" She calls.

"Clarke? What's wrong?" Bellamy lowers his gun.

She stumbles into my arms with dead weight and I hold her up, feeling her body shake as she coughs violently.

"Emerson, he's here."

"Where's Monty?"

"Emerson took him, why?" She asks. I help her with the breathing mask, yet she continues to wheeze.

Bellamy picks up the radio and turns it on, calling. "Octavia can you hear me?"

"Jasper was with her." I recall.

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